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I did an overhaul to the instruction and installation of the Sims 3. [CLOSED]

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I did an overhaul to the instruction and installation of the Sims 3. [CLOSED] Empty I did an overhaul to the instruction and installation of the Sims 3. [CLOSED]

Post by Guest Sat 29 Sep 2012, 09:23

Anyone looking for a way to install The Sims 3 that's

1. Very simple
2. Hassle free
3. Easy to understand
4. Non confusing instructions

It doesn't get any simpler than this.

I did an overhaul to the instruction and installation of the Sims 3. [CLOSED] 3450855690

wouldn't let me upload this for some reason, and this site won't let me
outright paste an external link, so I had to use Filefront to host the
file and break up the link, so this site would take it.

Best Regards,


Mod Edit: Link fixed. You'll be able to post links soon.

- Lady ElDi

Last edited by tx3000 on Sat 29 Sep 2012, 10:50; edited 1 time in total


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I did an overhaul to the instruction and installation of the Sims 3. [CLOSED] Empty Re: I did an overhaul to the instruction and installation of the Sims 3. [CLOSED]

Post by Guest Sat 29 Sep 2012, 10:28

I quoted myself from a differnt tread to avoid others to be confused and download the wrong thing and get their games ruin!

Auntie Bella wrote:
tx3000 wrote:this was copied and pasted directly from the CURRENT PDF

For The Sims 3 – Supernatural & Diesel Stuff & Katy Perry Sweet
Treats & Showtime & Master Suite Stuff & Pets & Town
Life Stuff & Generations: open the "Diesel Stuff & Katy Perry
Sweet Treats & Showtime & Master Suite Stuff & Pets &
Town Life Stuff & Generations" folder in this .rar file and
drag & drop both files in there to: C:\Program Files
(x86)\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3\Game\Bin (SO NOT TO THE EXPANSION’S
GAME DIRECTORY!) and choose "Replace" on the pop-up that appears,
telling you the files already exist.

All that you could have read slowly, so there was a chance for you understanding it correctly.
And if you wachted the video, you would have seen it.

And here xog420 tries to explain it to you

xog420 wrote:
That clearly says open up those 7 folders, then
drag and drop both files from them into the same directory.

If you want me to make a simplified version of the installation instructions I will.

oh i see what you say but its just 1 folder with a very long name

so it is 1 folder with the name

Stuff & Katy Perry Sweet Treats & Showtime & Master Suite
Stuff & Pets & Town Life Stuff & Generations

not 7 diff folders

hope this helped

But I see what you want.

Some part of me can't stop thinking, that you want to take credit for another persons hard work!
That's making me slithly mad, so don't make me come over and force tea down your throth lol!


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I did an overhaul to the instruction and installation of the Sims 3. [CLOSED] Empty Re: I did an overhaul to the instruction and installation of the Sims 3. [CLOSED]

Post by Guest Sat 29 Sep 2012, 10:40

Look it's not my fault the instructions are put together half assed and a lot of people are having a hard time following them. if the instructions were written well enough to begin with like how i did them, no one would be mis-reading them.

Also I NEVER said there WERE 7 Different folders, what is aid was the INSTRUCTIONS SAY there are 7 different folders due to how they are written. I also clearly said I DID AN OVERHAUL to the ORIGINAL INSTRUCTIONS. I never took credit for anything except redoing things in a simpler more organized non-confusing manner. I also sent what I did to the ADMIN in a PM letting him/her know.

Maybe if you took the time to read what I posted instead of being too busy trying to correct me on things I didn't even do or say, you would have known this.

NO offense but you're really starting to piss me off with these inane replies.

PS I had to reupload the package I redid because I forgot to add something to it so now there is a new link.


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I did an overhaul to the instruction and installation of the Sims 3. [CLOSED] Empty Re: I did an overhaul to the instruction and installation of the Sims 3. [CLOSED]

Post by Guest Sat 29 Sep 2012, 11:17

If you could read and really watch a video, you would see that it was
just one folder and not seven different folders that need modifering as
you understand it.
Which you would have found out, if you actually had downloaded the FIX and seen the folders in it AND wachted the video.

Just to point it out for others than you, so they can see your mistake.

I did an overhaul to the instruction and installation of the Sims 3. [CLOSED] Baka


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I did an overhaul to the instruction and installation of the Sims 3. [CLOSED] Empty Re: I did an overhaul to the instruction and installation of the Sims 3. [CLOSED]

Post by Guest Sat 29 Sep 2012, 11:18

Well you're replies do not make any sense.

I did not read anything incorrectly

The instructions clearly state to OPEN
A & B & C & D & E & F & G

It doesn't matter what is in the folder, Because of how English language
works, that sentence actually is saying to open 7 different folders

To state one folder it has to be worded like this:

A & B & C & D & E & F & G

There is a significant difference between saying this:
OPEN THIS, AND this, AND THIS, and this and this,

and saying this:
Open the folder called THIS AND THIS AND THIS AND THIS,

just to let you and everyone else know the fix doesn't work because
your game automatically gets put to version 1.39 and the 1.38 patch
cannot be installed whether you manually do it, or you use the launcher
because you're game is at 1.39 and there is no way to stop your game
from getting patched to 1.39 upon installation.


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I did an overhaul to the instruction and installation of the Sims 3. [CLOSED] Empty Re: I did an overhaul to the instruction and installation of the Sims 3. [CLOSED]

Post by ☠ ~ Aɳɳ ~ ☠ Sat 29 Sep 2012, 11:38

Wow I have a feeling of deja-vu.
Lady ElDi wrote:Hello,

Actually English isn't mine or Admin's native language (that also go for a lot of the people helping us) and I think we're doing an awesome job so sorry if that got you confused. I would've thought the instructions were clear enough to understand once you see the folders inside the fix though. Besides there's also the video and that is more than clear.

If you had taken the time to look at this topic, you would've noticed that the opening message actually says that the fix is not working with the current game version.

And yes you can install the game just fine without patching to 1.39, by using the current manual patch after installing the base game. You won't be prompted to update again, and your game certainly isn't going to update itself without notifying you.

As a final thought: We're just a bunch of people who like to help people out and a lot of the time that is appreciated. We're volunteers, this is a hobby. Nothing more. Please keep that in mind.
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I did an overhaul to the instruction and installation of the Sims 3. [CLOSED] Empty Re: I did an overhaul to the instruction and installation of the Sims 3. [CLOSED]

Post by Guest Sat 29 Sep 2012, 11:39

I'm done talking to you now. I already explained to you 6 times this now

Also The
THE INSTALLATION this will automatically set your game to version 1.39

I have yet to get the
correct installation of this mess by following any of the instructions
on this site I followed the instructions and my game is at 1.39 so that
means there is a flaw in the instructions. Besides how many things did I
have to correct in the instructions.

The instructions and people
say one thing, but what happens is something that's the exact opposite.
And again following the instructions on this site updates your game to
1.39 and there is no way to use the ultimate fix.

You guys need to get your instructions fixed.


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I did an overhaul to the instruction and installation of the Sims 3. [CLOSED] Empty Re: I did an overhaul to the instruction and installation of the Sims 3. [CLOSED]

Post by Guest Sat 29 Sep 2012, 11:41

You don't se the: "...expansion names.." ?
These two " ?
Please explain to me, what that means in the english language, when you use those.

Of corse there is a way to no letting your game install the new patch by choosing NOT to.
It always gives you a choice, when a new patch is available.

To LadyElDi
I did an overhaul to the instruction and installation of the Sims 3. [CLOSED] LOL1


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I did an overhaul to the instruction and installation of the Sims 3. [CLOSED] Empty Re: I did an overhaul to the instruction and installation of the Sims 3. [CLOSED]

Post by ☠ ~ Aɳɳ ~ ☠ Sat 29 Sep 2012, 11:49


Again, you did not see this topic did you. Anyone who uses these instructions carefully, will go to the fix topic as instructed and read it carefully as well. They will see
Admin wrote:
Arrow CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD THE FIX! (PC) *NOT WORKING* (Alternative download -link: Mirror 1, Mirror 2)

and a smart user will wonder why and open a topic.

We may need to get our instructions fixed (and we welcome critisism, see our Complaints and Suggestion Box sections) but I would really appreciate it if you had a hard look at your attitude and the way you address others (volunteers!). It does not fit in with the G4TW philosophy.


Omg now I find yet another one of these topic in another section! Please tx3000, you've made your point, there was no need to spam.
On another note, I have a few notes about your instructions. To start with, they are obsolete as soon as the new fix (for game version 1.39) is out. Which will be very soon, possibly within the next few hours. From your text file:

To prevent your game from updating to 1.39 using the launcher you will need the 1.38 manual update.....

My point What he said.
There is no need for this:

I have also included the EA Download manager (Now known as ORIGINS) so it can be manually installed

I'm not using it. Many people aren't using it. You definitely don't need it to patch the game.

This is not true:

The first and most important aspect is the installation order of everything.
When you use a crack of any sort for ANY PART of The Sims 3 and or it's expansions, then the installation order becomes a very serious factor. Which no one bothers to mention.

The installation order has no significance at all. It'll work fine regardless of whether you start with WA and work your way down or start with SN and work your way up. Or install them at random. Which is what I have done more than once. This is not The Sims 2.

As for this:


Why? Honestly, why? What do you think this accomplishes? It does nothing. The only thing it does, is (possibly) prevent the "unable to connect to origin" error when you start the launcher. Which means nothing at all.

As a last note, you don't mention cracking the game at all. In fact, you did not even include a crack in your package. With your instructions, we'll be getting an extra loads of posts asking about "No Disc" errors and "Service Initialization Code etc." errors.

I have to say I am now convinced that our instructions are, in fact, much easier to follow, and much more noob-proof than yours are. Even if they lack proper grammar.
☠ ~ Aɳɳ ~ ☠
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I did an overhaul to the instruction and installation of the Sims 3. [CLOSED] Empty Re: I did an overhaul to the instruction and installation of the Sims 3. [CLOSED]

Post by Guest Sat 29 Sep 2012, 12:58

LadElDi - Your instructions do not lack proper gramma.

With the use of quation marks, you do indicate that it's only one folder and its name is the 8 different expansion- and stuff packs and not meaning to open or do anything to the packs in question.


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I did an overhaul to the instruction and installation of the Sims 3. [CLOSED] Empty Re: I did an overhaul to the instruction and installation of the Sims 3. [CLOSED]

Post by Guest Sat 29 Sep 2012, 13:20

Lady ElDi

1. Learn how grammar is put together, and learn to speak properly before trying to explain how a language you clearly do not understand that I am fluent in, works.
An ampersand (or epershand; "&") is used when you are talking about separate/multiple/in addition to/more than one/AS Well as/ON TOP OF/THE

Saying open the "Diesel Stuff & Katy Perry Sweet Treats & Showtime & Master Suite Stuff & Pets & Town Life Stuff & Generations" folder, that is the exact same thing as saying this:
Open the "Diesel Stuff AS WELL AS Katy Perry Sweet Treats THE Showtime ON TOP OF THE Master Suite Stuff IN ADDITION Pets AS WELL AS BOTH THE Town Life Stuff & Generations" folder

And to further explain this, those ARE ALL INSIDE ONE FOLDER so you cannot say open the open the "Diesel Stuff & Katy Perry Sweet Treats & Showtime & Master Suite Stuff & Pets & Town Life Stuff & Generations" folders in this folder rar.
It's worded correctly when you're telling someone to open up multiple things from one place.

2. Every single expansion in for the Sims on this site. say right in the installation to UPDATE IT WHEN IT ASKS. they also say MULTIPLE TIMES AT various points throughout various instructions TO INSTALL THE EA DOWNLOAD MANAGER NOW KNOWN AS ORIGIN I can upload all of the instruction .txt files from them if you would like to continue talking about things you do not know and show you.

3. Using a crack on any Sims 3 game REQUIRES 100% the expansions need to be installed in a specific order. if you do not you will have problems despite what you use. If you did some research outside this site you would know this. It also says this in at least 3 of the installation instructions that are in the expansions on this site.

But yet you're saying the order doesn't matter.

4. ORIGIN IS WHAT THE EA DOWNLOAD MANGER IS CALLED which has nothing to do with logging into Origin on the website itself...So I have no idea what you're going on about with this or where got the idea to start talking about using the Origins Website. but on top of all that the instructions say for you to update the expansion if it asks you to, and the only way that's possible is if the EA Download Manager (AKA ORIGIN) is installed...So to follow the installation instructions in the expansions YES IT ABSOLUTELY HAS TO BE INSTALLED IN ORDER TO UPDATE YOUR GAME THE WAY IT SAYS TO IN THE INSTRUCTIONS.

5. You should seriously learn how a tutorial is put together, because it doesn't need to mention anything about a crack or files. Only an idiot would see see a folder that says 1st, 2nd, or install first, install second then still have to ask what gets installed or used first, not too mention it says this in the readme that's with it as well what folder to open.

6. The instructions on this site are not as good as people are trying to make them out to be. Plain and simple, what is in the installation instructions for the expansions here, do not even work with the master fix. It also says in one of the topics here DO NOT UPDATE YOUR GAME TO 1.39 but yet using all the instructions from each expansion on this site doesn't allow you not too.

7. If the instructions work, then why is my game updated to something that isn't supposed to happen.

8. You know the instructions in the readme for the master fix, says to make sure you have the expansions installed that you got from this site, and the instructions in the expansions all say what I mentioned to do above. When you go to try and use the master fix after installing all the expansions, you cannot do it because the patch is 1.38, but the installation instructions for all the expansions when followed (MINUS THE CRACKS) wind up making your game updated to version 1.39 which doesn't allow you to install the 1.38 patch because it's a lower version

Do you guys even have any clue as to what you're doing with these instructions?, you have instructions for a fix that cannot be used once you install the expansions. Do I need to make a video in detail pointing out all this stuff showing you?

In closing, do not come in here and try to degrade me and making up all this crap that I am posting about being wrong or whatever, when what I am posting came from you guys to begin with.


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I did an overhaul to the instruction and installation of the Sims 3. [CLOSED] Empty Re: I did an overhaul to the instruction and installation of the Sims 3. [CLOSED]

Post by Guest Sat 29 Sep 2012, 13:45

tx3000 wrote:
1. Learn how grammar is put together, and learn to speak properly before trying to explain how a language you clearly do not understand that I am fluent in, works.
An ampersand (or epershand; "&") is used when you are talking about separate/multiple/in addition to/more than one/AS Well as/ON TOP OF/THE

Saying open the "Diesel Stuff & Katy Perry Sweet Treats & Showtime & Master Suite Stuff & Pets & Town Life Stuff & Generations" folder, that is the exact same thing as saying this:
Open the "Diesel Stuff AS WELL AS Katy Perry Sweet Treats THE Showtime ON TOP OF THE Master Suite Stuff IN ADDITION Pets AS WELL AS BOTH THE Town Life Stuff & Generations" folder

And to further explain this, those ARE ALL INSIDE ONE FOLDER so you cannot say open the open the "Diesel Stuff & Katy Perry Sweet Treats & Showtime & Master Suite Stuff & Pets & Town Life Stuff & Generations" folders in this folder rar.
It's worded correctly when you're telling someone to open up multiple things from one place.

If you're so fluent in english, then why for the love of god do you not understand the use of quation marks?!
They are indicating a title - I did an overhaul to the instruction and installation of the Sims 3. [CLOSED] 2279017149

tx3000 wrote:
2. Every single expansion in for the Sims on this site. say right in the installation to UPDATE IT WHEN IT ASKS. they also say MULTIPLE TIMES AT various points throughout various instructions TO INSTALL THE EA DOWNLOAD MANAGER NOW KNOWN AS ORIGIN I can upload all of the instruction .txt files from them if you would like to continue talking about things you do not know and show you.

It's right there in their FIXES (PC) Forum!
Global announcement:
DO NOT UPDATE to version 1.39 of The Sims 3 yet! I did an overhaul to the instruction and installation of the Sims 3. [CLOSED] 2279017149

tx3000 wrote:
3. Using a crack on any Sims 3 game REQUIRES 100% the expansions need to be installed in a specific order. if you do not you will have problems despite what you use. If you did some research outside this site you would know this. It also says this in at least 3 of the installation instructions that are in the expansions on this site.

But yet you're saying the order doesn't matter.

Nononononono.....there are no specific order needed to install Sims 3!
I wrote them, be cause then they had a chance to see all the expansion and stuff packs, there are as to this day.

tx3000 wrote:
4. ORIGIN IS WHAT THE EA DOWNLOAD MANGER IS CALLED which has nothing to do with logging into Origin on the website itself...So I have no idea what you're going on about with this or where got the idea to start talking about using the Origins Website. but on top of all that the instructions say for you to update the expansion if it asks you to, and the only way that's possible is if the EA Download Manager (AKA ORIGIN) is installed...So to follow the installation instructions in the expansions YES IT ABSOLUTELY HAS TO BE INSTALLED IN ORDER TO UPDATE YOUR GAME THE WAY IT SAYS TO IN THE INSTRUCTIONS.

nononononono I did an overhaul to the instruction and installation of the Sims 3. [CLOSED] 2279017149 I did an overhaul to the instruction and installation of the Sims 3. [CLOSED] 2279017149 I did an overhaul to the instruction and installation of the Sims 3. [CLOSED] 2279017149 I did an overhaul to the instruction and installation of the Sims 3. [CLOSED] 2279017149 I did an overhaul to the instruction and installation of the Sims 3. [CLOSED] 2279017149
No one with their mind set right have the Origin installed!
And it is not needed to patch your game!
I speak of expierence!
And if you knew your way around every Sims 3 site, you'll know this as well!!

tx3000 wrote:
5. You should seriously learn how a tutorial is put together, because it doesn't need to mention anything about a crack or files. Only an idiot would see see a folder that says 1st, 2nd, or install first, install second then still have to ask what gets installed or used first, not too mention it says this in the readme that's with it as well what folder to open.

6. The instructions on this site suck. plain and simple, what is in the installation instructions for the expansions here, do not even work with the master fix. It also says in one of the topics here DO NOT UPDATE YOUR GAME TO 1.39 but yet using all the instructions from each expansion on this site doesn't allow you not too.

7. If the instructions work, then why is my game updated to something that isn't supposed to happen.

8. You know the instructions in the readme for the master fix, says to make sure you have the expansions installed that you got from this site, and the instructions in the expansions all say what I mentioned to do above. When you go to try and use the master fix after installing all the expansions, you cannot do it because the patch is 1.38, but the installation instructions for all the expansions when followed (MINUS THE CRACKS) wind up making your game updated to version 1.39 which doesn't allow you to install the 1.38 patch because it's a lower version

You guys have absolutely no clue to what you're doing, you have instructions for a fix that cannot be used once you install the expansions.

In closing, do not come in here and try to degrade me and making up all this crap that I am posting about being wrong or whatever, when what I am posting came from you guys to begin with.

I did an overhaul to the instruction and installation of the Sims 3. [CLOSED] 2830496658 He's obvious to much of a fokktard to read and understand!
And he has no idea how to use a forum proberly or knows anything about a Shotout or Global announcement!

Conclusion: The man has no idea how to think on his own nor the ability to take in more than one information at the time and no understanding how to connect his reading/learning.


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I did an overhaul to the instruction and installation of the Sims 3. [CLOSED] Empty Re: I did an overhaul to the instruction and installation of the Sims 3. [CLOSED]

Post by ☠ ~ Aɳɳ ~ ☠ Sat 29 Sep 2012, 13:53

My comments in violet.

Lady ElDi

1. Learn how grammar is put together, and learn to speak properly before trying to explain how a language you clearly do not understand that I am fluent in, works.
An ampersand (or epershand; "&") is used when you are talking about separate/multiple/in addition to/more than one/AS Well as/ON TOP OF/THE

Saying open the "Diesel Stuff & Katy Perry Sweet Treats & Showtime & Master Suite Stuff & Pets & Town Life Stuff & Generations" folder, that is the exact same thing as saying this:
Open the "Diesel Stuff AS WELL AS Katy Perry Sweet Treats THE Showtime ON TOP OF THE Master Suite Stuff IN ADDITION Pets AS WELL AS BOTH THE Town Life Stuff & Generations" folder

And to further explain this, those ARE ALL INSIDE ONE FOLDER so you cannot say open the open the "Diesel Stuff & Katy Perry Sweet Treats & Showtime & Master Suite Stuff & Pets & Town Life Stuff & Generations" folders in this folder rar.
It's worded correctly when you're telling someone to open up multiple things from one place.

Wow. Just, wow. I was not raised bilingual. I have communicated with countless native English speakers. Not once have I spoken with someone like you. You seem to be one of the few who doesn't understand this particular thing you're so stuck on. Or you refuse to understand. Yeah, I've met people like you.

2. Every single expansion in for the Sims on this site. say right in the installation to UPDATE IT WHEN IT ASKS. they also say MULTIPLE TIMES AT various points throughout various instructions TO INSTALL THE EA DOWNLOAD MANAGER NOW KNOWN AS ORIGIN I can upload all of the instruction .txt files from them if you would like to continue talking about things you do not know and show you.

Well clearly you don't understand the meaning of the word "obsolete". The Installation Guides were valid in the past. Things changed when Generations was released. It's impossible to change the installation guide of existing torrents. They are out there and being seeded by others. They can't be removed and they can't be altered.
Many people do not have Origin. And duh, we all know EADM is now called Origin.

3. Using a crack on any Sims 3 game REQUIRES 100% the expansions need to be installed in a specific order. if you do not you will have problems despite what you use. If you did some research outside this site you would know this.

It 100% DOES NOT. Listen, I am using a PC that should barely run just the base game, yet I am using a number of EP's and a bunch of mods and the entire store. The last time I installed them, I installed them in alphabetical order. The time before that, I did the stuff packs first. My game doesn't even crash and all it's features work.

4. ORIGIN IS WHAT THE EA DOWNLOAD MANGER IS CALLED which has nothing to do with logging into Origin on the website itself...So I have no idea what you're going on about with this or where got the idea to start talking about using the Origins Website. but on top of all that the instructions say for you to update the expansion if it asks you to, and the only way that's possible is if the EA Download Manager (AKA ORIGIN) is installed...So to follow the installation instructions in the expansions YES IT ABSOLUTELY HAS TO BE INSTALLED IN ORDER TO UPDATE YOUR GAME THE WAY IT SAYS TO IN THE INSTRUCTIONS.

Excuse me, going on about the website? I'm not mentioning the website at all.

5. Learn how a tutorial is put together, because it doesn't need to mention anything about a crack or files. You're an idiot for seeing see a folder that says 1st, 2nd, or install first, install second then still have to ask what gets installed or used first, not too mention it says this in the readme that's with it as well what folder to open.

Oh so I'm an idiot. Try not to mention the crack. See what people do. Ohhh they're not using the crack and coming here asking why the heck they can't play their game. You seem to be one of the few people who doesn't get our simple instructions. So I wonder who's the idiot here. Again I would ask you to do something about your attitude. We do NOT appreciate that here. This site was originally created because there are so few friendly folks out there to help people.

6. The instructions on this site suck. plain and simple, what is in the installation instructions for the expansions here, do not even work with the master fix. It also says in one of the topics here DO NOT UPDATE YOUR GAME TO 1.39 but yet using all the instructions from each expansion on this site doesn't allow you not too.

Again, the installation guides have become obsolete. I don't know when you are going to realize what that means. They were good back then, but they aren't now, and we can't change that. Plain and simple. Again you did not recently look at the fix's topic, where it says "NOT WORKING" and clearly you are new to this site. The new patch came out when, yesterday? The day before? And you expect us to have a fix ready for it within a split second? We are volunteers, this is a hobby. We have real life responsibilities. We tell people not to update YET. The fix will be ready soon. People know this.

7. If the instructions work, then why is my game updated to something that isn't supposed to happen.

Because you clearly didn't read that the fix is *NOT WORKING* with the current game version. So please go blame yourself, and not us.

In closing, do not come in here and try to degrade me and making up all this crap that I am posting about being wrong or whatever, when what I am posting came from you guys to begin with.

And my final note: I have been a moderator here for a year and a half. So I'd like to ask you to not come here and call me an idiot. Admin has been running this site for a couple of years, to the delight of many. So do not come here and tell him his instructions suck. Clearly they don't. Some people mess up by not reading. Or because they are new at this. The majority has no problems at all following our instructions. Have a look at other uploader's instructions. See what happens if you ask any other uploader a question because you're new at this. Good luck.
My responses are based on what you wrote. I did in fact download your package and went through the text file carefully. "Noobs" are not going to be able to easily install and play the game with your guide. I am 100% sure about that.

Again, fix your attitude, or don't waste our time. There's nothing wrong with a well placed suggestion or good criticism. There's everything wrong with the way you address people.
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I did an overhaul to the instruction and installation of the Sims 3. [CLOSED] Empty Re: I did an overhaul to the instruction and installation of the Sims 3. [CLOSED]

Post by Admin Sat 29 Sep 2012, 19:17

Hello there,

I'm not even going to waste time discussing this with you. It's easy as pie: if you like it, use it; if you don't, ask for help or don't use it. The Fix worked for thousands of people before you, so I'm sure it's a (reading?) problem on your end.

If you like our services here, feel free to stick around. If you don't like our services, just leave and don't bother wasting our time.

Now I'd like to warn you, if you open any more topics regarding this "issue" or discuss this in other topics, I'll personally IP ban you, permanently.

I hope you get the message, because you didn't seem to get the Fix' message.

Topic closed. Smile
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