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After Supernatural, game can not installed again. [SOLVED]

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After Supernatural, game can not installed again. [SOLVED] Empty After Supernatural, game can not installed again. [SOLVED]

Post by Phoebe Mon 17 Sep 2012, 12:53

Firstly, I wanna thank all the people here, because until yesterday my game has been running dreamy with all latest expansion packs. And of course until Supernatural...

I installed it and followed the Ultimate Fix as usual, and update manually my game as fix said. Game worked, but just for my old saves. I can't start new game with beginning in a new neighborhood. And the funny thing is all Supernatural features were cool, and the new exp pack was totally accepted by the game. I looked an answer for it but I couldn't find any. I tried to run game without custom content but it didn't work out. So, unfortunately, I reinstalled (a total nightmare) base game and expansions.

Then, for installing all again as usual I followed Ultimate fix order and installed every exp until Pets. Pets and the exp after it can not be installed due to the that "can not updatable, not compitable" issue. Then I used latest manuel patch, but again, Supernatural installer says the same thing. After that, (reinstalled all again :/) and decided not to install Supernaturals so I tried to install until Diesel Stuff, but after installing and applying all the cracks and patch correctly, it appears "error occured" thing before sims icon disappear.

I've read almost everything there, and couldn't find a solution. My base game is from pirate bay, the cracked version. And I have all the expansion packs .dmg's. I didn't have any problem until Supernatural and now I can't even install other expansion packs. I think it is about the latest patch, but I can't figured it how to make it work. Please help!
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After Supernatural, game can not installed again. [SOLVED] Empty Re: After Supernatural, game can not installed again. [SOLVED]

Post by Admin Mon 17 Sep 2012, 17:24


Welcome to the Forum!
Try updating your game manually, using this manual patch: https://games4theworld.forumotion.com/t3597-can-t-update-the-sims-3-to-v138-fix-manual-patch-updated , prior to installing Supernatural.
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After Supernatural, game can not installed again. [SOLVED] Empty Re: After Supernatural, game can not installed again. [SOLVED]

Post by Phoebe Mon 17 Sep 2012, 17:52


I've already tried it. The thing is, i follow the order of Ultime Fix when installing packs and as it said I don't update my game until I installed all expansion packs (except Supernaturals of course)

But after installing TL and there comes Pets and Master Suite stuff etc, and while installing it says they aren't updatable and incompitable for my base game. So this point what should I do? Because patching game ton that step ruins everything.

And thanks for answering quickly Smile


Finally' I managed to install my game and expansions. But still having
the same problem that I had at beginning when I first installed

I can't start a new game, neighborhoods -all of
them, not only Moonlight falls- can not be openned. When installing a
new neighborhood, loading comes until a inch of to the end of the green
line and stops. Though, game doesn't crash, it keeps giving advices on
the screen.

As I installed everything from the beginning, there
are no CC and anything else, only game's orginal files. So it isn't
about CC.

The thing is I looked for world cache folder and there
are no neighborhood's folder in it! It's the problem. I tried to take
Sims 3 document folder on wall and deleted world cache folder completely
but didn't work WhatDidUJustCallMe?

But I can open my older saves, which is funny. I am gonna lose my mind!
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After Supernatural, game can not installed again. [SOLVED] Empty Re: After Supernatural, game can not installed again. [SOLVED]

Post by Dieneryn Tue 18 Sep 2012, 17:30

Hi Pheobe!

Please try these steps, while making sure it is a clean install. (All previous files uninstalled/removed.)

- After dragging the The Sims 3.app into your folder, open the sims 3 launcher.
- Ignore the pop-up prompts to update.
- In the launcher, click on Game Updates and update from there instead.
- Check that it is updated to v1.38
- After that, install the expansion packs you want without applying any cracks. (In any order)
- After installing, make sure you have the latest Ultimate Fix downloaded. Unzip the file.
- Go to the "# Crack" folder and copy both files into you Game>Bin folder.

I hope it works! This is the easiest method I can think of, and it worked for me (with Admin's help).

Please let me know if it does not so that I can try to figure out what is wrong. Very Happy
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After Supernatural, game can not installed again. [SOLVED] Empty Re: After Supernatural, game can not installed again. [SOLVED]

Post by Phoebe Tue 18 Sep 2012, 17:33

Oh, thanks Dieneryn Smile

I will try immediately, and I will start from Supernaturals, right after base game. Because it was the main problem.

I hope it helps and I won't bother you any longer! Smile
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After Supernatural, game can not installed again. [SOLVED] Empty Re: After Supernatural, game can not installed again. [SOLVED]

Post by Dieneryn Tue 18 Sep 2012, 17:35

No worries Pheobe!

I'm in the process of creating a mac guide so I'm thankful that you can try out this method. I wish to know if it works for others like it did for me. So if you could try it that would really help me a lot!

Good luck!!! Very Happy
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After Supernatural, game can not installed again. [SOLVED] Empty Re: After Supernatural, game can not installed again. [SOLVED]

Post by Phoebe Tue 18 Sep 2012, 18:51

Yes, it worked!

The main problem was the manual patch for me! I did it from the launcher, and voila! Just installed Supernatural and it worked! I am sure other will run smoothly.

Thanks so so much Dieneryn. And your mac guide totally work Smile I am here if you need anything about it.
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After Supernatural, game can not installed again. [SOLVED] Empty Re: After Supernatural, game can not installed again. [SOLVED]

Post by Dieneryn Wed 19 Sep 2012, 01:16

That is great Pheobe!!!

I'm so glad that it worked for you Very Happy
Thanks for letting me know and enjoy your game!!!!
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After Supernatural, game can not installed again. [SOLVED] Empty Re: After Supernatural, game can not installed again. [SOLVED]

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