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Will someone please. [SOLVED]

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Will someone please. [SOLVED] Empty Will someone please. [SOLVED]

Post by Guest Thu 04 Oct 2012, 00:29

download team viewer with me and install my the sims 3 ambitions for me? i did exactly what the fix said to do but it will not open it it loads the supernatural loading screen and then tells me to insert the supernatural disk.

Last edited by somegirl30233 on Thu 04 Oct 2012, 01:55; edited 1 time in total


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Will someone please. [SOLVED] Empty Re: Will someone please. [SOLVED]

Post by Guest Thu 04 Oct 2012, 00:43

Will someone please. [SOLVED] Somer

And as we told you earlier, that when you have Supernaturel installed, that is the one, you should use to play with and all the rest is indeed installed.

Please read your own tread.


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Will someone please. [SOLVED] Empty Re: Will someone please. [SOLVED]

Post by Guest Thu 04 Oct 2012, 00:51

Sooo..., are they just like stuff that gets added on into the game? like new jobs and options and stuff? I thought it was a whole game with a new town and things like that, maybe i was wrong? thats what i was getting at.. so i just start supernatural and everything that came with ambitions will be iinside that game?


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Will someone please. [SOLVED] Empty Re: Will someone please. [SOLVED]

Post by Guest Thu 04 Oct 2012, 01:02

somegirl30233 wrote:Sooo..., are they just like stuff that gets added on into the game? like new jobs and options and stuff? I thought it was a whole game with a new town and things like that, maybe i was wrong? thats what i was getting at.. so i just start supernatural and everything that came with ambitions will be iinside that game?

They are new jobs and stuff and I do believe there is a new town as well. Very Happy
Don't really recall right now - lack of coffee and bedtime for me.

However yes, you have to start up Supernatural to get to play Sims 3.
See, Supernatural is the latest of them all and they are all connected and combined, when you install them.
No matter the order and since Supernatural is the latest of them all, it is the one, that's start the game - all of it.

Look at it like a layer cake.
Each time a new pack comes out, it's a new layer added to the cake, giving it more flavor.
And if you want a piece of the cake, you'll get each layer, that you putted on it.
But since Supernatural is the latest flavor, it's the first you see and taste, but the rest is still in there. Very Happy


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Will someone please. [SOLVED] Empty Re: Will someone please. [SOLVED]

Post by Guest Thu 04 Oct 2012, 01:05

ohhhh ok i get now thank you alot!! im sorry if i was being annoying lol im slow sometimes ha! So, that being said lol, If I download generations or showtime ooorr katy perry sweet treats then would that mean they are added and i start with the supernatural? OR do i start with showtime or etc and i still have the option of being a fairie and such?


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Will someone please. [SOLVED] Empty Re: Will someone please. [SOLVED]

Post by Guest Thu 04 Oct 2012, 01:12

Always start with Supernatural eventhough you add all the others Very Happy
And yes you'll be able to play fairy and all the others that comes along the expansion packs

It's okay, I suspect that you don't drink coffee? Wink
Am I right? Rolling Eyes

Aaah, just kidding around. Will someone please. [SOLVED] 294340757

Happy playing Will someone please. [SOLVED] 3479271199


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Will someone please. [SOLVED] Empty Re: Will someone please. [SOLVED]

Post by ☠ ~ Aɳɳ ~ ☠ Thu 04 Oct 2012, 11:57

Auntie Bella wrote:
Look at it like a layer cake.
Each time a new pack comes out, it's a new layer added to the cake, giving it more flavor.
And if you want a piece of the cake, you'll get each layer, that you putted on it.
But since Supernatural is the latest flavor, it's the first you see and taste, but the rest is still in there. Very Happy

Great explanation! I'll have to remember that one.

Happy simming The Sims Plumbob 1 topic closed.
☠ ~ Aɳɳ ~ ☠
☠ ~ Aɳɳ ~ ☠
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Will someone please. [SOLVED] Empty Re: Will someone please. [SOLVED]

Post by Admin Thu 04 Oct 2012, 20:07

Auntie Bella wrote:Look at it like a layer cake.
Each time a new pack comes out, it's a new layer added to the cake, giving it more flavor.
And if you want a piece of the cake, you'll get each layer, that you putted on it.
But since Supernatural is the latest flavor, it's the first you see and taste, but the rest is still in there. Very Happy

Oh wow!
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Will someone please. [SOLVED] Empty Re: Will someone please. [SOLVED]

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