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can i do this?? and want to find the sims 3 base game download? anyone know of a good download?[CLOSED]

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can i do this?? and want to find the sims 3 base game download? anyone know of a good download?[CLOSED] Empty can i do this?? and want to find the sims 3 base game download? anyone know of a good download?[CLOSED]

Post by Guest Thu 04 Oct 2012, 22:46

hi again lol im having issues with my sims 3 base game, not sure how i messed it up but i dont think im going to get it to work again...but i was wondering if it is possible to buy the orignal base game and download expanion packs and put them on the base game?? not sure if i want to mess up an orignal copy....anyone have links to a download of the sims 3 base game that i can download?? there was one i found threw a user on here that seemed good but it doesnt save the download...not sure why Sad its easy to find the expansions but so hard to find just the base game.


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can i do this?? and want to find the sims 3 base game download? anyone know of a good download?[CLOSED] Empty Re: can i do this?? and want to find the sims 3 base game download? anyone know of a good download?[CLOSED]

Post by Guest Thu 04 Oct 2012, 23:17

Yes they're all here.

can i do this?? and want to find the sims 3 base game download? anyone know of a good download?[CLOSED] 4049071320

And if you have an original game, it won't mess it up.


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can i do this?? and want to find the sims 3 base game download? anyone know of a good download?[CLOSED] Empty Re: can i do this?? and want to find the sims 3 base game download? anyone know of a good download?[CLOSED]

Post by Guest Thu 04 Oct 2012, 23:48

i cheaked the link and i cant find the sims 3 base game?? i think i messed up my base game cause messing with it to try and figure stuff out and im worried id do the same on the orignal copy if i downloaded the expansions.. this sucks. well i guess ill see what i can do...lol


another question. if i got the base game but downloaded the expansion packs would i still be able to use the sims3 website?


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can i do this?? and want to find the sims 3 base game download? anyone know of a good download?[CLOSED] Empty Re: can i do this?? and want to find the sims 3 base game download? anyone know of a good download?[CLOSED]

Post by Guest Fri 05 Oct 2012, 00:37

Here you go: can i do this?? and want to find the sims 3 base game download? anyone know of a good download?[CLOSED] 4049071320
and yes you can xD


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can i do this?? and want to find the sims 3 base game download? anyone know of a good download?[CLOSED] Empty Re: can i do this?? and want to find the sims 3 base game download? anyone know of a good download?[CLOSED]

Post by Guest Fri 05 Oct 2012, 00:55

thank you, i am new at this lol and good that i can use the website because the expansions are to much money lol


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can i do this?? and want to find the sims 3 base game download? anyone know of a good download?[CLOSED] Empty Re: can i do this?? and want to find the sims 3 base game download? anyone know of a good download?[CLOSED]

Post by ☠ ~ Aɳɳ ~ ☠ Fri 05 Oct 2012, 10:49


Please keep everything in one topic, thank you.
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☠ ~ Aɳɳ ~ ☠
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