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installation interrupted because of a missing Sunset Valley file?

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installation interrupted because of a missing Sunset Valley file? Empty installation interrupted because of a missing Sunset Valley file?

Post by Guest Mon 15 Oct 2012, 23:22

So, I'm finally trying to install this the basic game, but it says I'm missing a file and wont continue without it?

"Insert a disk 1, which includes the file Caches\Sunset Valley.objectCache." (rough translation)

I can either try to find it manually (which proved unsuccessful) or insert a disk. Where's the file? I haven't deleted anything. I also tried to search it from the start menu but nothing showed up.


oookay, so I found the file (after I extracted the ISOs and looked into
them), but even so, the game can't find the caches folder. Which means I
actually have the file, it just isn't where it's supposed to be. It's
in the ISO image but for some reason Daemon Tools leaves it out?

tried to manually copy it from the extracted files to the "Drive (F:)"
but it says there's no space. Is it possible the virtual dive isn't
large enough or something? It shows to be only 3,26GB right now. I don't
think that's enough for the game so the caches probably aren't the only
thing I'm missing.

So, I don't know if any of that made sense to people who actually know about stuff but help please?


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installation interrupted because of a missing Sunset Valley file? Empty Re: installation interrupted because of a missing Sunset Valley file?

Post by Admin Tue 16 Oct 2012, 18:50

Hello there,

Oh, you don't need to manually look for that file, you have to mount both images and then just select the second mounted .ISO file when you're asked to insert the next disc.

See this video for more information: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dm1i-P4I7bc

Good luck and please let us know the result!
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installation interrupted because of a missing Sunset Valley file? Empty Re: installation interrupted because of a missing Sunset Valley file?

Post by Guest Wed 17 Oct 2012, 15:48

Oh, yeah, I kind of looked for it manually because I wanted to know if it actually exists or if am I just doing something totally wrong. Naturally though, it was the later Very Happy

And yeah, it was a mounting issue. Just as you said, I didn't have both .ISOs mounted even if I thought I had, so that's why i couldn't find it.


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installation interrupted because of a missing Sunset Valley file? Empty Re: installation interrupted because of a missing Sunset Valley file?

Post by Admin Wed 17 Oct 2012, 20:55


Glad to hear you found the problem!
Please install everything and let us know the final result.

Good luck and do not hesitate to let us know if you run into any problems too!
G4TW RETIRED Adminator
GΛMΣ MΛƧƬΣЯ / Forum Founder
G4TW RETIRED Adminator GΛMΣ MΛƧƬΣЯ / Forum Founder

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installation interrupted because of a missing Sunset Valley file? Empty Re: installation interrupted because of a missing Sunset Valley file?

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