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The Sims 3: Create A Sim

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The Sims 3: Create A Sim Empty The Sims 3: Create A Sim

Post by Guest Sat 05 Jan 2013, 01:44

The Sims 3: Create A Sim 2830496658

I just downloaded The Sims 3: Create A Sim and i was wondering if it is possible to add mods CC for the clothing and hair to it?

And I hope this is the right place for this here


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The Sims 3: Create A Sim Empty Re: The Sims 3: Create A Sim

Post by ☠ ~ Aɳɳ ~ ☠ Sat 05 Jan 2013, 11:57


Good question! You'd think store items/sims3pack should be possible at least.
☠ ~ Aɳɳ ~ ☠
☠ ~ Aɳɳ ~ ☠
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The Sims 3: Create A Sim Empty Re: The Sims 3: Create A Sim

Post by Guest Sat 05 Jan 2013, 18:09

Thanks for moving it to the right area.

Yea but i can't get any of that stuff to work with it.


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The Sims 3: Create A Sim Empty Re: The Sims 3: Create A Sim

Post by ☠ ~ Aɳɳ ~ ☠ Sat 05 Jan 2013, 18:12


This may be a stupid question but, you do have the base game (at least) installed?
☠ ~ Aɳɳ ~ ☠
☠ ~ Aɳɳ ~ ☠
G4TW SUPER Adminatrix
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The Sims 3: Create A Sim Empty Re: The Sims 3: Create A Sim

Post by Guest Sat 05 Jan 2013, 18:38

Yes i do and that is all that is showing with it


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The Sims 3: Create A Sim Empty Re: The Sims 3: Create A Sim

Post by ☠ ~ Aɳɳ ~ ☠ Sat 05 Jan 2013, 18:43


Ok, please wait to see if someone else can shed some light on the situation. I haven't used CAS as a stand alone application myself so I can only provide limited assistance.
☠ ~ Aɳɳ ~ ☠
☠ ~ Aɳɳ ~ ☠
G4TW SUPER Adminatrix
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G4TW SUPER Adminatrix First Lady / Commander-In-Chief

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The Sims 3: Create A Sim Empty Re: The Sims 3: Create A Sim

Post by Guest Sun 13 Jan 2013, 08:26

I did some research on the Stand Alone version of Create A Sim. It uses its own resources and not the Full Game resources. You can not use content from the base game, expansion packs, stuff packs or any type of custom content. I tried tweaking with custom content to no avail. The program is pretty much useless.


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The Sims 3: Create A Sim Empty Re: The Sims 3: Create A Sim

Post by invalidusername Sun 13 Jan 2013, 09:00

I was actually wondering, because this thread is the first time I had heard of CAS being a stand-alone thing, what is the point of it? It seems like it was a demo type thing for TS3, but I'm not entirely certain..
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