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All downloaded worlds stopped working? [SOLVED]

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All downloaded worlds stopped working? [SOLVED] Empty All downloaded worlds stopped working? [SOLVED]

Post by Guest Tue 15 Jan 2013, 04:31

The more I try to fix this problem, the worse it seems to get. It started with a couple of my worlds seemingly randomly not showing up in the new game dropdown list. Most frequently Barnacle Bay and Lunar Lakes. With no rhyme or reason I could find, they would alternately not show up in the list, show up in the list but crash before the town could load, or load up just fine. I had gotten LL to work today, and tried to fix BB again, and somehow, in trying to completely uninstall it to do a completely clean reinstall on it, all of my downloaded worlds have disappeared, and now none of them will load. I have even tried one persons suggestion of complely removing my downloads folder, uninstalling all of my CC that shows via launcher, replacing the folder, and telling it to completely install it all again. This made most of my worlds show up in the new game list, but they crash while loading, even those that did not before. Has anyone found a solution to this problem, or one similar enough to make the solution worth a try? Thanks in advance for any help!
Crying or Very sad All downloaded worlds stopped working? [SOLVED] 2830496658


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All downloaded worlds stopped working? [SOLVED] Empty Re: All downloaded worlds stopped working? [SOLVED]

Post by Guest Tue 15 Jan 2013, 05:26

It looks very close to what I was doing. Its possible I missed a step on my own, so I am trying it following this one step at a time. Thanks for being patient with my DOH moment in not seeing that link before!

... I tried. Repeatedly. No dice. Even downloaded all my worlds from the mediafire account fresh in case one of my zips was corrupted. No luck. When I can get the worlds to show up at all, I cannot load them. Most times, they don't show up at all. I'm at a loss. Any one else been through this? Thanks again.

Last edited by Moondragon77 on Tue 15 Jan 2013, 07:23; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Update)


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All downloaded worlds stopped working? [SOLVED] Empty Re: All downloaded worlds stopped working? [SOLVED]

Post by ☠ ~ Aɳɳ ~ ☠ Tue 15 Jan 2013, 19:36


Nothing I've seen before but, lets take a few wild guesses.
Did you start using mods?
A "world fix" from modthesims or changed anything at all about your game installation?
Fully up to date?
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All downloaded worlds stopped working? [SOLVED] Empty Re: All downloaded worlds stopped working? [SOLVED]

Post by Guest Tue 15 Jan 2013, 21:10

Thanks for taking the time to answer me. The only cc I have in atm is NRaas, which I do keep up to date, Nimua Samoa and a couple of other worlds from MTS which had been working fine, and all the updates from here. I did have some clothing and hair from MTS, but I have not yet put any of it back in from having pulled it when I updated with the last patch, which I got following instructions from here. (I pull all CC by habit for updates till I know what is compatable). The really odd part was that I had all other my worlds working until I started trying to get Barnacle bay working... and somehow in the process of trying to fix it, all my other downloaded worlds stopped working. The other odd thing is that a couple of the times I tried to reinstall BB, the launcher would give the message that it was already installed... even though I had uninstalled it then gone in and deleted it from world cashe etc. Even replaced the package file in case it was corrupted.

I have gotten CC Magic, and am using it to look for any CC I may have missed, and going to take today to learn how to use it, and see if that helps.

Last edited by Moondragon77 on Tue 15 Jan 2013, 21:53; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Update)


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All downloaded worlds stopped working? [SOLVED] Empty Re: All downloaded worlds stopped working? [SOLVED]

Post by invalidusername Tue 15 Jan 2013, 22:01

CC Magic will rock for all the other cc, but it can't read and install world files, so I don't think that will help in this situation.
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All downloaded worlds stopped working? [SOLVED] Empty Re: All downloaded worlds stopped working? [SOLVED]

Post by Guest Wed 16 Jan 2013, 00:20

Yeah, I see that. It is helping me to find, and identify, CC that I didn't find before, some of which was outdated. If I'm lucky clearing that up will help with the worlds. I'm trying to make sure there is NO cc that didn't come from the worlds themselves and get the worlds working that way first, then trying the CC a bit at a time. Long tedious process, but seems needful about now.


Are there particular issues with Barnacle Bay by any chance? I can get all my worlds to show... until I try that one, then I'm back to square one. I'd just say fine and not use that world, except if that same issue crops up in another world I'll still need to know how to resolve it, if possible.


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All downloaded worlds stopped working? [SOLVED] Empty Re: All downloaded worlds stopped working? [SOLVED]

Post by ☠ ~ Aɳɳ ~ ☠ Wed 16 Jan 2013, 10:52


Not that I'm aware of.
What happens if you backup and remove (or rename), the The Sims 3 folder in Documents\Electronic Arts, and install Barnacle Bay by itself?
☠ ~ Aɳɳ ~ ☠
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All downloaded worlds stopped working? [SOLVED] Empty Re: All downloaded worlds stopped working? [SOLVED]

Post by Guest Thu 17 Jan 2013, 02:15

Thanks again for taking time to help. What you describe is what I did for starters yesterday. I am now to the point where I have all worlds working, and I am slowly adding back CC to see if I can find what may have caused the problem. Using the CC Magic has helped tremendously. I found a file named as an item of clothing that CCMagic labeled as a xmltuning file... one I didn't recognize. That alone was worth finding. So far so good. I'll post all the steps I followed when I know its working.


Ok. Finally got the game to work. Testing each step of the way:

Started with as you suggested removing the Documents Sims 3 folder
completely and having the game make a new one. Also removed CC magic

The installed all the worlds one at a time.

launcher to remove worlds from downloads so CC Magic wont try to sort
them (this also makes CC magic not able to see/move/consolidate/change
any content that installed as part of the worlds).

Launch CC Magic to make it form clean folders

Made sure NRaas, Sliders, and any other basic mods I update often were in Legacy set.

Replace Saves folder with backed up Saves.

All other content went into CC Magic folders, sorted into sets, enabled one set at a time.

extremely time consuming than your first answer, and would only
recommend it if your method doesn't work first. Hope this helps someone

Thank you for you help!


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All downloaded worlds stopped working? [SOLVED] Empty Re: All downloaded worlds stopped working? [SOLVED]

Post by Admin Thu 17 Jan 2013, 21:08

Hello there,

That took a while, but glad to hear it's working now.
Thank you Cezra31, Invalidusername and Lady ElDi!
Enjoy your The Sims 3 and the items and please do not hesitate to let us know if you need more assistance! All downloaded worlds stopped working? [SOLVED] 611149516
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