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Help: Installation Problem

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Help: Installation Problem Empty Help: Installation Problem

Post by Guest Tue 29 Jan 2013, 06:27

I'm currently trying to install Sims3: World Adventure and wanting to install all expansions and stuffs if possible Smile and i need help because i'm stuck in STEP 5 of Sims3: World Adventure Instruction because of some "update region error" something.. anyways here is what i've been doing so you could tell me if i've done something wrong..

- Installed Sims 3 base game. Working fine.. cause i've been playing it while waiting for the World Adventure in torrent

- Done downloading and now extracting the Sims 3: World Adventure in a new folder named 'Installer' (i don't know where to extract.. not mentioned in any instructions so i extract it anywhere)

- Follow the instructions one by one.. first step done

- apparently i skipped #2 Facepalm (look at the picture)
Help: Installation Problem C1CcaIIh

- Step 3.. doing fine even if i don't understand any words in it confused
Help: Installation Problem 73E2PRWh

- Step 4.. already done.. copy-paste and replace is a piece of cake Surprised

- Step 5.. this is where the problem starts Facepalm
"Now open the 'Crack 3' folder and start the 'Sims3_1.2.7.00002_from_1.0.631.00002.exe' patch"
i did and this is what i got Mad
Help: Installation Problem I9lA3U4h

any idea how to solve this error? thanks for taking time reading my report Smile hoping to see some useful replies out there Help
by the way here's a pic of my dxdiag:
Help: Installation Problem 19SnSWN


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Help: Installation Problem Empty Re: Help: Installation Problem

Post by Admin Wed 30 Jan 2013, 21:03

Hello there,

Sorry for the late reply!
First of all, read this: https://games4theworld.forumotion.com/t1171-must-read-how-to-install-the-sims-3-correctly
And note that you may skip all "# Crack" folders!

As for the SKU, read this: https://games4theworld.forumotion.com/t177-can-t-find-the-sims-3-sku-fix

Good luck and please let us know if you need any help during the process!
G4TW RETIRED Adminator
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