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PLEASE HELP! The Sims 3 crashes and then the screen turns blue with white letters

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PLEASE HELP! The Sims 3 crashes and then the screen turns blue with white letters Empty PLEASE HELP! The Sims 3 crashes and then the screen turns blue with white letters

Post by Guest Tue 19 Feb 2013, 20:37

First of all, I have to apologize for my spelling and grammatical errors.

I have all the Sims 3 expansions and object and clothing packs released until now, except the one with the 70's 80's and 90's stuff. All of theese expansions and objects packs were downloaded from this site (so as the base game) and I followed very carefully all the steps that are on topic "*MUST READ* How to install The Sims 3 correctly".

However, when I start playing the a little bit faster or when I star furnishing the house, the game crashes. The screen gets black (sometimes the music is still playing) and the image flashes one or two times. After this, the game turns off and a window appears saying that The Sims 3 has stopped working, or in other times the computer shuts down and the screen turns blue with white letters.
And the computer also tends to overheat.

I have a laptop sony vaio, windows 7 home premium, OS 64 bits, processor Intel (R) Pentium (R) CPU P6100 @ 2.00 GHz, 6,00 GB Ram and my graphic card is Intel HD (I guess) Noob

This week I had my computer cleaned and all viruses and unnecessary programs were removed, however the problem persists!
Sometimes I update my drivers with Driver Robot and I had already used Game Booster but it was useless.
I don't use any mods but I've downloaded a few sims, houses, objects and clothing for my game. I've already uninstall half of this custom content, and nothing!

I'm getting really frustrated beacause there is no way to play the sims 3 without the computer freak out!



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PLEASE HELP! The Sims 3 crashes and then the screen turns blue with white letters Empty Re: PLEASE HELP! The Sims 3 crashes and then the screen turns blue with white letters

Post by invalidusername Tue 19 Feb 2013, 22:42

I would completely backup and remove "Documents/Electronic Arts/The sims 3"
This will get rid of all your cc and saves (You can replace them later) so that you can test a clean game, and see if this still happens.

Another thing is, if you are aware of your laptop overheating, make sure you're keeping the fans clear. (Have you tried cleaning your fans at all?)

If none of that helps, then it's time to start looking at which expansions you absolutely MUST have in your game, and removing the rest.

Really, your computer itself shouldn't have much trouble running the sims (outside of the integrated intel card), but the game is picky and strange.
G4TW RETIRED Moderatrix
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G4TW RETIRED Moderatrix Discharged with Honors

Windows version :
  • Windows 10

System architecture :
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Favourite games : The Sims, Assassin's Creed (All), Elder Scolls, Dragon Age : Origins, Harvest Moon, Mario, Zelda, Psychonauts, SimCity, House of the Dead : Overkill, Magic: The Gathering, Saint's Row, Civilization 5, The Witcher


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PLEASE HELP! The Sims 3 crashes and then the screen turns blue with white letters Empty Re: PLEASE HELP! The Sims 3 crashes and then the screen turns blue with white letters

Post by Guest Wed 20 Feb 2013, 00:12

Okay, I will try that. But I've been searching the internet and I read something that said the game plus expansions requires at least 256 mb of dedicated memory... I don't know much about computers but then I checked the settings of my graphic card and it has only 128 mb of dedicated memory.

Could this be a problem?


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PLEASE HELP! The Sims 3 crashes and then the screen turns blue with white letters Empty Re: PLEASE HELP! The Sims 3 crashes and then the screen turns blue with white letters

Post by invalidusername Wed 20 Feb 2013, 00:28

It's not really a problem, it just means that your in-game settings will have to be on the lower end, you shouldn't have high detail anything, or you can run into problems. That's the issue with an integrated graphics card though. It's definitely cheaper, but it lacks in performance.
G4TW RETIRED Moderatrix
Discharged with Honors

G4TW RETIRED Moderatrix Discharged with Honors

Windows version :
  • Windows 10

System architecture :
  • 64 bits (x64)

Favourite games : The Sims, Assassin's Creed (All), Elder Scolls, Dragon Age : Origins, Harvest Moon, Mario, Zelda, Psychonauts, SimCity, House of the Dead : Overkill, Magic: The Gathering, Saint's Row, Civilization 5, The Witcher


Posts : 2041
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Join date : 2011-10-20
Age : 31
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PLEASE HELP! The Sims 3 crashes and then the screen turns blue with white letters Empty Re: PLEASE HELP! The Sims 3 crashes and then the screen turns blue with white letters

Post by Guest Fri 22 Feb 2013, 19:57

I have already removed all the custom content, uninstalled two expansions, I put all the game settings in the lower end and yet the game contiunues crashing when I try to furnish or when I play a little bit faster! I'm getting really desperated and I don't know what else I can do to solve this problem! Sad


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PLEASE HELP! The Sims 3 crashes and then the screen turns blue with white letters Empty Re: PLEASE HELP! The Sims 3 crashes and then the screen turns blue with white letters

Post by Guest Fri 22 Feb 2013, 21:40

i do a lot of work on computers and that and your intel card isent stronge enougth even after lowering your settings the only way round it is to buy a pc with a better card init because aswell of sims using the card mem your computer is to so its over loading it


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PLEASE HELP! The Sims 3 crashes and then the screen turns blue with white letters Empty Re: PLEASE HELP! The Sims 3 crashes and then the screen turns blue with white letters

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