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Blue Screen of Death

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Blue Screen of Death Empty Blue Screen of Death

Post by Guest Sun 31 Mar 2013, 01:05

Hello~ sorry if I make any spelling errors, I'm typing this on my phone because whenever I turn on my computer I am taken to the blue screen of death

A while ago, I installed every expansion pack and played them with no errors no problems for likely a year, I decided I wanted to uninstall everything and practically wipe my computer clean (God I wish that I hadn't ). Recently I had decided to install everything again, except for the exception of a few expansion packs, (in order to Save up some memory) and played them for a few months with no issues. However, recently my game had started freezing and would shut down or freeze once in a while. I brushed that off as nothing because it wasn't that annoying seeing as I Save every fifteen minutes anyways. It soon escalated to instead of just shutting Sims 3 down, it shut my entire computer down and sent me to the blue screen of death. Every time it would shut down and restart it would take me to another death screen. I decided to go into safe mode and delete every sim game seeing as that was the problem. It ran fine with no death screen after that. But to make sure it was in fact the Sims that was causing it, I installed it again (which is Why I can't log on to my computer because I get sent to the blue screen of death)

My question to you guys is, what do you think could be causing this? I don't use custom content, and I scanned and found no viruses.

Thanks ~ Razz


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Blue Screen of Death Empty Re: Blue Screen of Death

Post by invalidusername Sun 31 Mar 2013, 07:28

This sounds like an actual internal computer issue, more than anything involving the game, and the game was just the tipping point that set it all off.

I'd actually recommend having a professional take a look at it if that's an option (or just someone who's awesome with computers). However, someone else may have another suggestion.
G4TW RETIRED Moderatrix
Discharged with Honors

G4TW RETIRED Moderatrix Discharged with Honors

Windows version :
  • Windows 10

System architecture :
  • 64 bits (x64)

Favourite games : The Sims, Assassin's Creed (All), Elder Scolls, Dragon Age : Origins, Harvest Moon, Mario, Zelda, Psychonauts, SimCity, House of the Dead : Overkill, Magic: The Gathering, Saint's Row, Civilization 5, The Witcher


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Age : 31
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Blue Screen of Death Empty Re: Blue Screen of Death

Post by Guest Sun 31 Mar 2013, 19:12

What Anti-Virus are you using? (Please.... Please.... PLEASE don't say Norton or Avast, they both pretty much suck in my opinion.) Honestly if you've installed all your games from Games4theworld I doubt it's actually caused by their games, simply because if that were the case EVERYONE would be getting that problem. Try going into your computer via safemode with browsing opinions and installing another Anti-virus (I recommend Comodo. Simply because it's a good anti-virus, my opinion again, and it comes with something called Geek something or another and they can help you fix your issues.) and scanning with the new anti-virus. Make sure it does a complete computer scan given the fact that viruses can hide ANYWHERE on your computer. Or as other commenter said, take it to a professional or someone that is awesome with computers. Can't really diagnose a computer problem without being in the computer or having the computer in front of you. Sorry about the death screen and good luck.


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