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Unable to edit in game with CAW?

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Unable to edit in game with CAW? Empty Unable to edit in game with CAW?

Post by Guest Tue 07 May 2013, 18:07

Hello! Firstly, I'd like to say thanks for providing such great resources for a fun game! The game itself works wonderfully - I have all the expansions excluding University and stuff packs, updated to the latest patch. However, recently I've been itching to create my own world, so I downloaded the CAW tool.

At first everything seems to work alright - CAW runs and I can create a new world and all that. However, whenever I click the edit ingame button or option in the dropdown list, nothing happens. The world screen in CAW flashes blue for a second and seems to reload the landscape, as it darkens then goes back to normal, but that's it. I've done this a few times, uninstalling and reinstalling CAW, trying different worlds, waiting up to 30 minutes, but nothing happens.

As I said, I have everything for expansions except University and stuff packs, and it's updated to the latest patch. I've removed all my mods and in the launcher separately clicked 'run without custom content', but that doesn't seem to help, either. I'm playing on Windows 7 x64 bit, and otherwise the game itself and CAW seem to work properly - blank test worlds and riverview lite export properly. Edit ingame seems to be the only component not working.

If anyone has encountered similar issues and/or can provide ideas or solutions, I'd be very grateful. Thanks!

EDIT: I should also note that I've tried uninstalling, restarting redownloading and reinstalling from the provided create-a-world link on games4theworld, but that doesn't make a difference. My game version, for reference, is according to the version number on the launcher under 'updates.'


Ahah! Seem to have found a solution. Very Happy I'm tentative to get my hopes up too high in case it doesn't last, but here it is, from another topic.


think it has to do with which .exe from the base game/bin the tool
uses. I believe the solution was as follows: remove TS3.exe from the
bin, don't delete it, just drag it to the desktop. Now rename TS3W.exe
to TS3.exe and start the CAW program.
You'll have to undo the changes when you want to actually play the game, and redo them when you want to use CAW again."

tried a few things and this seems to be working wonderfully for me. I
hope this topic comes in useful for someone else, as well. Thanks, and
sorry to take up space! Please feel free to delete this if it's just
wasting space and a bother.


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Unable to edit in game with CAW? Empty Re: Unable to edit in game with CAW?

Post by Admin Tue 07 May 2013, 20:13


Glad to hear that topic did the trick.
Enjoy the game/CAW again and do not hesitate to contact us if you need more help! Unable to edit in game with CAW? 611149516
G4TW RETIRED Adminator
GΛMΣ MΛƧƬΣЯ / Forum Founder
G4TW RETIRED Adminator GΛMΣ MΛƧƬΣЯ / Forum Founder

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  • Windows 7

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  • 64 bits (x64)


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