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My Sims Look Glitchy?

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My Sims Look Glitchy? Empty My Sims Look Glitchy?

Post by Guest Sat 29 Jun 2013, 18:06

Hi! I just downloaded a few of these sims games from g4tw and everything works great!! I totally appreciate you for doing this, but when I go to make a family, my sims look glitchy or "out of focus" if that makes sense. Is there a way to fix this?


Oh and the latest game I have is island paradise.


Oh and the latest game I have is island paradise.

My Sims Look Glitchy? Screen13My Sims Look Glitchy? Screen13

Why does it look like this?

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- Carlos G.


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My Sims Look Glitchy? Empty Re: My Sims Look Glitchy?

Post by Guest Sun 30 Jun 2013, 02:50

Go to setting and then graphics then you will see sims, set it to high and problem solved I hope.


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My Sims Look Glitchy? Empty Re: My Sims Look Glitchy?

Post by J.T. Sun 30 Jun 2013, 05:47

Astro Zee wrote:Go to setting and then graphics then you will see sims, set it to high and problem solved I hope.


True. But you've got to be careful. Make sure your pc's graphic card can handle it. Try this.
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My Sims Look Glitchy? Empty Re: My Sims Look Glitchy?

Post by The_gh0stm4n Mon 01 Jul 2013, 17:58

Milkyo101 wrote:Hi! I just downloaded a few of these sims games from g4tw and everything works great!! I totally appreciate you for doing this, but when I go to make a family, my sims look glitchy or "out of focus" if that makes sense. Is there a way to fix this?


Go to My Documents/Electronic Arts/The Sims 3 and delete the "unnecessary" cache:

-plus the contents of the folders "WorldCaches" & "Thumbnails"

Also: what was the last thing you "changed" about your game, before this happened ? If you remember what you did (added any mods, custom content, or whatever), then "undo" it. Wink

You might also try a new savegame, and see if your sims still look that way.
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My Sims Look Glitchy? Empty Re: My Sims Look Glitchy?

Post by J.T. Tue 02 Jul 2013, 00:57

Carlos G. wrote:
Milkyo101 wrote:Hi! I just downloaded a few of these sims games from g4tw and everything works great!! I totally appreciate you for doing this, but when I go to make a family, my sims look glitchy or "out of focus" if that makes sense. Is there a way to fix this?


Go to My Documents/Electronic Arts/The Sims 3 and delete the "unnecessary" cache:

-plus the contents of the folders "WorldCaches" & "Thumbnails"

Also: what was the last thing you "changed" about your game, before this happened ? If you remember what you did (added any mods, custom content, or whatever), then "undo" it. Wink

You might also try a new savegame, and see if your sims still look that way.


My sims look like this too. And this is mainly because most of my graphic settings are low.
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