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World Adventures issue

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World Adventures issue Empty World Adventures issue

Post by Guest Fri 28 Jun 2013, 23:37

I'm trying to install World Adventures but every time I try it gives me an error.  At first I thought it was because I installed everything and then World Adventures but since I've uninstalled everything else and I'm still getting the error I'm going to guess that isn't the issue.  I -am- running Sims 3 with a disc because I received Sims 3 Plus Pets as a gift but World Adventures worked fine on my desktop using the disc, now I just can't seem to get it to work on my laptop.  Anyway, here is the error.

World Adventures issue Error11


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World Adventures issue Empty Re: World Adventures issue

Post by The_gh0stm4n Fri 28 Jun 2013, 23:48

_Ink_ wrote:I'm trying to install World Adventures but every time I try it gives me an error.  At first I thought it was because I installed everything and then World Adventures but since I've uninstalled everything else and I'm still getting the error I'm going to guess that isn't the issue.  I -am- running Sims 3 with a disc because I received Sims 3 Plus Pets as a gift but World Adventures worked fine on my desktop using the disc, now I just can't seem to get it to work on my laptop.  Anyway, here is the error.

World Adventures issue Error11


Open the "Start menu", then go into the "Run" application. In the prompt, type in regedit.

Now look at this: https://games4theworld.forumotion.com/t177-can-t-find-the-sims-3-sku-fix

Go to that registry location, and you should see (on the right-hand side) a registry entry named SKU. Right-click on it and select "Change/Modify" or whatever this is called in English.

Change the value...

  • 01 = US
  • 02 = World Wide (incl. Australia & New Zealand)
  • 03 = Asian
  • 05 = Japan
  • 17 = Digital Download

Probably you have to change it to "2", but you may have to try several different "region codes".
G4TW RETIRED Forum Gatekeeper

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World Adventures issue Empty Re: World Adventures issue

Post by Guest Sat 29 Jun 2013, 00:01

Oh, I wish I'd mentioned that I couldn't find that part since it was mentioned in the installation guide.  Thanks to your link I found out why I couldn't find it and it looks like 2 is going to work for my region code.  Thanks for your help, trying to figure out what I'd done wrong was driving me crazy.


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