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Adding expansion packs.

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Adding expansion packs. Empty Adding expansion packs.

Post by Guest Fri 16 Aug 2013, 10:08

I was wondering if it was possible to add an expansion pack after I have already gone through everything to get the base game and the packs I have and already started the game. if it is possible how do you do it?

I have the base game, pets, ambitions and island paradise but I want to add supernatural and possibly some stuff packs.

I don't have a problem with my game data being lost I just need to know how to do it.


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Adding expansion packs. Empty Re: Adding expansion packs.

Post by J.T. Fri 16 Aug 2013, 14:01

psycogoth12 wrote:I was wondering if it was possible to add an expansion pack after I have already gone through everything to get the base game and the packs I have and already started the game. if it is possible how do you do it?

I have the base game, pets, ambitions and island paradise but I want to add supernatural and possibly some stuff packs.

I don't have a problem with my game data being lost I just need to know how to do it.

Yes it is possible to add expansion packs to The Sims 3 base game. Be sure to follow Steps 2 to 4 of this afterwards. If You get "Error with The Sims 3 Update. Setup is unable to continue" error while installing The Sims 3: Island Paradise, please follow this or attempt step 2 of this first.
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Adding expansion packs. Empty Re: Adding expansion packs.

Post by Guest Fri 16 Aug 2013, 18:07

Thank you. I already have island paradise, I'm just getting supernatural to add on. Have there been any problems with supernatural not working right? Cause I know there have been complaints about university life.The Sims 3 plumbob


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Adding expansion packs. Empty Re: Adding expansion packs.

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