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Into The Future won't install. [SOLVED]

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Into The Future won't install. [SOLVED] Empty Into The Future won't install. [SOLVED]

Post by Guest Sun 17 Nov 2013, 08:29

Hello. I am having some problems installing the Games4TheWorld Into The Future expansion pack download I got from kickass torrents. I get a strange error message saying >SetupNew\setup.cpp (140) PAPP: PVENDOR: PGUID: $ @Windows Vista Service Pack 1 (7601) IE Version: 9.10.9200.16721 when I tried running the installation setup. I even tried taking out my mods too and I got the same results. What should I do?


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Into The Future won't install. [SOLVED] Empty Re: Into The Future won't install. [SOLVED]

Post by Sephymuffins Sun 17 Nov 2013, 08:52


Have you downloaded your Into the Future expansion pack from here?  If it wasn't from here, I highly suggest you download it from us, as other people pack their expansions differently and we're, unfortunately, not able to help you with any errors you may receive.

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Into The Future won't install. [SOLVED] Empty Re: Into The Future won't install. [SOLVED]

Post by Guest Sun 17 Nov 2013, 09:00

I downloaded it from kickass torrents, although it was a Games4TheWorld torrent. But if you say I should get it from there, thats what I'll do.


Well I downloaded the torrent from the pirate bay as you listed, but I still got the same error when I started up the installation setup. What should I do?


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Into The Future won't install. [SOLVED] Empty Re: Into The Future won't install. [SOLVED]

Post by Sephymuffins Sun 17 Nov 2013, 19:48

SavageSickness wrote:Well I downloaded the torrent from the pirate bay as you listed, but I still got the same error when I started up the installation setup. What should I do?

Are you extracting all of the files within the .rar into another folder?  I'd advise doing this on your desktop.  If you already have, can you please do it once more (so delete your old extracted files and replaces them)?  Also, please ensure you're right-clicking on the Setup.exe and running as Administrator.  I never had any luck with that helping me, but I figured I'd throw that one in there, too. Wink

Do you happen to have McAfee (virus protection) install on your PC?  If so, you'll need to disable it temporarily (and this goes or any firewall/antivirus, as some CAN stop you from installing certain "hazardous" applications).

If all else fails, I'd suggest you install PowerISO, restart your PC, then right-click on the actual .rar folder of Into the Future and try to mount the entire folder in order to emulate a disk.  In other words, your PC thinks you just inserted an actual disk into your DVD/Disk drive and it MAY prevent you from getting any installation errors.  

Let know if any of this works!

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Into The Future won't install. [SOLVED] Empty Re: Into The Future won't install. [SOLVED]

Post by Guest Mon 18 Nov 2013, 04:45

None of those suggestions worked. It won't let me run the setup as administrator. I still experienced the error after shutting off my firewall and antivirus, and even after mounting the iso and extracting to desktop. Sad 


I tried a different torrent and it worked just fine. For some reason I'm only getting this error when I download Into The Future on a Games4TheWorld torrent. Into The Future won't install. [SOLVED] Icon_cry


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Into The Future won't install. [SOLVED] Empty Re: Into The Future won't install. [SOLVED]

Post by The_gh0stm4n Mon 18 Nov 2013, 18:29

SavageSickness wrote:None of those suggestions worked. It won't let me run the setup as administrator. I still experienced the error after shutting off my firewall and antivirus, and even after mounting the iso and extracting to desktop. Sad 


I tried a different torrent and it worked just fine. For some reason I'm only getting this error when I download Into The Future on a Games4TheWorld torrent. Into The Future won't install. [SOLVED] Icon_cry
As unbelievable as this "glitch" sounds to me, I'm sorry to hear that you were facing such big dificulties.

For the future, you could try downloading stuff with another torrent client; and did you use WinRAR for extracting the stuff ? That's what we recommend usually. In some cases, it can also help if you use another extraction program, but this is rather rare.

P.S. on your post, there is an "edit"-button. Please, for the future, click on that button if you want to add something to your post. Instead of double-posting.
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Into The Future won't install. [SOLVED] Empty Re: Into The Future won't install. [SOLVED]

Post by Guest Mon 18 Nov 2013, 18:37

Yeah, problem is the other torrent installed just fine, but it won't work when I started up the game. Guess I can't say that I'm surprised. Games4TheWorld torrents were always the most reliable. I don't know what I should do now. You say I should try using a different torrent client, but I've never used another one besides Utorrent.


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Into The Future won't install. [SOLVED] Empty Re: Into The Future won't install. [SOLVED]

Post by The_gh0stm4n Mon 18 Nov 2013, 18:59

SavageSickness wrote:Yeah, problem is the other torrent installed just fine, but it won't work when I started up the game. Guess I can't say that I'm surprised. Games4TheWorld torrents were always the most reliable. I don't know what I should do now. You say I should try using a different torrent client, but I've never used another one besides Utorrent.
I'm sorry, but there is not much else that comes to my mind...

Also, your glitch is rather rare, which doesn't make things easier. BitComet is another example for a torrent client.
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Into The Future won't install. [SOLVED] Empty Re: Into The Future won't install. [SOLVED]

Post by Sephymuffins Mon 18 Nov 2013, 19:46

Were you extracting things the files with Winrar or another program?
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Into The Future won't install. [SOLVED] Empty Re: Into The Future won't install. [SOLVED]

Post by Guest Thu 21 Nov 2013, 20:52

I was extracting with 7zip, since winrars license expired. I wish somebody knew what this error is and how to fix it. I've tried other downloads but they all have something wrong with them. I really want to get this expansion working. Sad Help 


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Into The Future won't install. [SOLVED] Empty Re: Into The Future won't install. [SOLVED]

Post by Sephymuffins Thu 21 Nov 2013, 20:54

SavageSickness wrote:I was extracting with 7zip, since winrars license expired. I wish somebody knew what this error is and how to fix it. I've tried other downloads but they all have something wrong with them. I really want to get this expansion working. Sad Help 

With research I did a few days ago (thanks, Google!) I found out that SOMEtimes these errors are caused because of the lack of use of Winrar.  You can actually still use that program, even though it gives you that annoying pop-up every time you open it!  Can you please try with Winrar (extracting it to an empty folder)?  

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Into The Future won't install. [SOLVED] Empty Re: Into The Future won't install. [SOLVED]

Post by Admin Thu 21 Nov 2013, 20:59

Hello there,

You can get rid of that "annoying pop-up" by removing the WinRAR version you have now, restarting your PC and then getting the full version for free from www.games4theworld.org Very Happy
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Into The Future won't install. [SOLVED] Empty Re: Into The Future won't install. [SOLVED]

Post by Guest Thu 21 Nov 2013, 21:04

Thank you admin. I will try that. I sure hope it'll work.


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Into The Future won't install. [SOLVED] Empty Re: Into The Future won't install. [SOLVED]

Post by Admin Thu 21 Nov 2013, 21:50

Hi there,

I see my other reply was never posted. Sad
Anyway, I said something like: 7Zip is most likely causing the error you get. For Games4theworld downloads, always use WinRAR to avoid installation errors!
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Into The Future won't install. [SOLVED] Empty Re: Into The Future won't install. [SOLVED]

Post by Guest Thu 21 Nov 2013, 22:21

Thank you admin and sephy! I did not recieve that error this time. To hell with 7-Zip. WinRar is a much better software to have. Now I just hope that I won't have any crash issues like I did with the other downloads that I tried. Very Happy 


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Into The Future won't install. [SOLVED] Empty Re: Into The Future won't install. [SOLVED]

Post by Sephymuffins Thu 21 Nov 2013, 22:29

You're very welcome, SavageSickness!

You shouldn't get the same error, because as I said previously, a lot of people were solving their issues when they switched to using Winrar instead of other file compression software.  I'll keep my fingers crossed for you, so let us know how it goes!

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Into The Future won't install. [SOLVED] Empty Re: Into The Future won't install. [SOLVED]

Post by Admin Thu 21 Nov 2013, 22:33

Hello again,

Indeed, we'll keep this topic open for you, please let us know the final result! Wink
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Into The Future won't install. [SOLVED] Empty Re: Into The Future won't install. [SOLVED]

Post by Guest Fri 22 Nov 2013, 02:00

Hello. I want to say thanks again for helping me with this issue. Though I am no longer getting the error I was recieving running the installer for Into The Future, nor I am recieving the "You have outdated modifications installed that are not compatible with the version of this game" message, I am still having other problems. I will be posting in the correct section of this website the details.


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Into The Future won't install. [SOLVED] Empty Re: Into The Future won't install. [SOLVED]

Post by Sephymuffins Fri 22 Nov 2013, 02:15

SavageSickness wrote:Hello. I want to say thanks again for helping me with this issue. Though I am no longer getting the error I was recieving running the installer for Into The Future, nor I am recieving the "You have outdated modifications installed that are not compatible with the version of this game" message, I am still having other problems. I will be posting in the correct section of this website the details.
Hello again,

Thank you for following the forum rules and because of your original problem being solved, I will now close this topic!

Moderator Edit:  Topic Closed! Smile

- Sephymuffins
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