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Sims expansions. [SOLVED]

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Sims expansions. [SOLVED] Empty Sims expansions. [SOLVED]

Post by Guest Sat 01 Mar 2014, 03:42

I have installed Sims3 as per instructions. I had to use option2 to update and install the expansion packs, Into the Future, Island Paradise, Pets, University Life, etc. I installed the update Sims3 to v 167. I installed the Ultimate Fix download,  used option 10 to complete the installation. When ever I run Sims 3, the computer loads Into the Future. This also happens when I try to load other expansion packs. I uninstalled everything, reinstalled Sims3, and it ran perfectly. I then updated Sims3 to v 167 and installed Supernatural. I installed the Ultimate fix. When I run Simjs 3,, I now get to play Supernatural. Any ideas what I have done wrong, or how I can run Sims3 and the expansion packs correctly? Thanks you for any advice.


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Sims expansions. [SOLVED] Empty Re: Sims expansions. [SOLVED]

Post by The_gh0stm4n Sat 01 Mar 2014, 07:56

tamariki wrote:I have installed Sims3 as per instructions. I had to use option2 to update and install the expansion packs, Into the Future, Island Paradise, Pets, University Life, etc. I installed the update Sims3 to v 167. I installed the Ultimate Fix download,  used option 10 to complete the installation. When ever I run Sims 3, the computer loads Into the Future. This also happens when I try to load other expansion packs. I uninstalled everything, reinstalled Sims3, and it ran perfectly. I then updated Sims3 to v 167 and installed Supernatural. I installed the Ultimate fix. When I run Simjs 3,, I now get to play Supernatural. Any ideas what I have done wrong, or how I can run Sims3 and the expansion packs correctly? Thanks you for any advice.



Un-installing the games was not necessary, as your games were (most likely) installed correctly anyway.

The initial "splashscreen" will - by default - show the expansion (among the games you installed) that was released most recently. But the content of the other expansions is still there, so you don't have to worry about that.

Please re-install the games again, but this time, please leave out the instructions inside the "Ultiamte fix". Instead, refer to this guide here:


Hope this helps you ! Smile 

P.S. please don't post the same question twice on here; I will just delete any double-posts. Wink 

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Sims expansions. [SOLVED] Empty Re: Sims expansions. [SOLVED]

Post by Guest Sat 01 Mar 2014, 23:47

Thank you. Got it working OK after following your advice.

Mod edit: I'll close the topic now. If you have any other questions in the future, feel free to open a new topic, at any time. Very Happy

- Carlos


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Sims expansions. [SOLVED] Empty Re: Sims expansions. [SOLVED]

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