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Problem Regarding Sims 3 installation

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Problem Regarding Sims 3 installation  Empty Problem Regarding Sims 3 installation

Post by Guest Thu 17 Apr 2014, 17:44

First of all i would like to thank you about your job and excuse me about my bad english.

I followed this https://games4theworld.forumotion.com/t1171-must-read-how-to-install-the-sims-3-correctly guide in order to install my sims 3 properly. I downloaded every sims 3 expansion from here.

Now the problems that i face.
After the installation of the base game i continued to install the world ambitions expansions. It says about that the base game should be updated in order to install this expansion i hit yes but it shows up an error. So i did step 2 as you say which updates the game at the 1.67 version. Then trying to reinstall world adventures and then everything fines. But at some expansions it says that the base game is newer and maybe there is a possibility for the xpansion not to work properly and that i should go to update and the expansion. I dont know what it means.

After i installed every expansion till the into the future. Till then i haven't run the launcher and i also unchecked at every install about the download manager thing. And now tha problems starting. I followed every step on the pdf inside the ultimate fix. EVERY. Then i run the game just to do the updates and if there are. An error pop up and says couldnt connect to origin. I am trying to hit refresh at the updates and nothing happens.

Then i run the game and everythings fine but the problem is that when i am trying to install the .sim3packs it crashes the launcher and says that i have a modified version of sims and that cannot installed. So i cant use anything. And the error everytime pop up. So what is the mistake i did at the installation.

Thank you in advance


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Problem Regarding Sims 3 installation  Empty Re: Problem Regarding Sims 3 installation

Post by The_gh0stm4n Fri 18 Apr 2014, 19:27

Fotios wrote:First of all i would like to thank you about your job and excuse me about my bad english.

I followed this https://games4theworld.forumotion.com/t1171-must-read-how-to-install-the-sims-3-correctly guide in order to install my sims 3 properly. I downloaded every sims 3 expansion from here.

Now the problems that i face.
After the installation of the base game i continued to install the world ambitions expansions. It says about that the base game should be updated in order to install this expansion i hit yes but it shows up an error. So i did step 2 as you say which updates the game at the 1.67 version. Then trying to reinstall world adventures and then everything fines. But at some expansions it says that the base game is newer and maybe there is a possibility for the xpansion not to work properly and that i should go to update and the expansion. I dont know what it means.

After i installed every expansion till the into the future. Till then i haven't run the launcher and i also unchecked at every install about the download manager thing. And now tha problems starting. I followed every step on the pdf inside the ultimate fix. EVERY. Then i run the game just to do the updates and if there are. An error pop up and says couldnt connect to origin. I am trying to hit refresh at the updates and nothing happens.

Then i run the game and everythings fine but the problem is that when i am trying to install the .sim3packs it crashes the launcher and says that i have a modified version of sims and that cannot installed. So i cant use anything. And the error everytime pop up. So what is the mistake i did at the installation.

Thank you in advance


You said you downloaded the expansions from here, but what about the base game ? Where did you get that from ?

Besides, you should NOT use the instructions inside the Ultimate fix. Instead, just re-do the steps from #2 to #4, EXACTLY as described, and nothing else. After you are done with step #4, try starting the game.

Also, can you show us a screenshot of this launcher error message, or write what exactly the error message says ?
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