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Debug issue

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Debug issue Empty Debug issue

Post by Guest Sat 14 Jun 2014, 13:54

I downloaded the sims3 cracked and it worked perfectly but then I downloaded ambitions and followed the instructions to put the crack in so I could play it and since then everytime I try to open the sims it says Unhandled page fault on read access to 0x00000000 at address 0x100151b2 and then asks me if I want to debug now? I've tried clicking both yes and no but neither work. It just quits out of the program and doesn't go any further. It's only since I copied the crack into the bin folder. Is there anyway to fix this? Do you have a copy of the original .exe files that I can copy back into the bin folder?



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Debug issue Empty Re: Debug issue

Post by Phoebe Wed 25 Jun 2014, 13:33


I can assume that you haven't read the How to Install Sims 3 on Mac. You can find it here: https://games4theworld.forumotion.com/t11808-brand-new-how-to-install-the-sims-3-on-mac-os-guide-read-it-here-now-new

If you read carefully and apply all the instructions along with Ultimate Fix, your game will work perfectly. If you have any problems AFTER reading the guide, please let me know.
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