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A combination of problems...

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A combination of problems... Empty A combination of problems...

Post by Guest Tue 25 Nov 2014, 03:55

Good evening/afternoon/morning Games4theworld.  Long-time downloader, first-time poster here.  Earlier today I downloaded The Sims 3 Into the Future, and when it had installed I tried to run it from the launcher and recieved a 'Disc Authentication Failure'.  I tried to then run it by using TS3W.exe, and it popped up with an error 'Unable to start game.  Service initialization failed (0x0175dcbb).'  I can launch the game with TS3EP11.exe, but once again I get the no disc error and am forced to quit.

I've already tried the Ultimate Fix, which sadly didn't work. WhatDidUJustCallMe? Any other help/advice would be appreciated!


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A combination of problems... Empty Re: A combination of problems...

Post by Guest Tue 25 Nov 2014, 08:08

Please make sure you have the latest version of the Ultimate Fix, and copy only the files from the #Crack folder to the base game location.


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