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Invisible Sim in CAS mode.

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invisible - Invisible Sim in CAS mode. Empty Invisible Sim in CAS mode.

Post by Guest Thu 27 Nov 2014, 01:19

My computer is running an 8.1 version of windows, I used to have the "dynamic library" issue, until I disabled my anti-virus, and now whenever I start running the game everything works pretty fine but at the create a sim mode I see no sims, I made sure it isn't working on laptop mode, and I also installed the ultimate fix, is there anything I could do?

Thanks in advance!


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invisible - Invisible Sim in CAS mode. Empty Re: Invisible Sim in CAS mode.

Post by Guest Thu 27 Nov 2014, 07:54

Is your game completely up to date. Also does this happen every time you try to create a sim? Is there any way you might be able to provide a screen shot. Do you get any error messages? Please provide as much details as possible so that we may assist you further. Also do you have the options to still edit the sim. If you go ahead and save and go to load the sim does the family load properly and the sims can be played fine? I just want to see the extent of the issue. I am researching now as I have not had this issue personally. If there are any other team members who know how to correct the issue, they will assist you as soon as they can. Thank you for being so patient.


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invisible - Invisible Sim in CAS mode. Empty Re: Invisible Sim in CAS mode.

Post by Guest Fri 28 Nov 2014, 00:53

I am so sorry for the late reply.
I really appreciate your efforts! thanks a lot!
I am gonna attach below what it is like, and no the game won't work properly if I tried to save and start playing.

That's how CAS looks like

invisible - Invisible Sim in CAS mode. Screen11

Still won't show any sims when I attempt to save.

invisible - Invisible Sim in CAS mode. Screen12

That's the error I received when I tried to proceed and start playing the game.
invisible - Invisible Sim in CAS mode. Screen13

Thanks again for your effort!


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invisible - Invisible Sim in CAS mode. Empty Re: Invisible Sim in CAS mode.

Post by The_gh0stm4n Fri 28 Nov 2014, 18:16

SalmaMohamady wrote:I am so sorry for the late reply.
I really appreciate your efforts! thanks a lot!
I am gonna attach below what it is like, and no the game won't work properly if I tried to save and start playing.

That's how CAS looks like



Can you please try and add the download location for your internet browsers (Firefix/Chrome) to the exclusions of your anti-virus program ? And while you're at it, also add the download location for your torrent client to the exclusions too.

And after that, please re-download and re-apply the "Ultimate fix", from here:

Install instructions are included. Good luck !
G4TW RETIRED Forum Gatekeeper

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invisible - Invisible Sim in CAS mode. Empty Re: Invisible Sim in CAS mode.

Post by Guest Wed 03 Dec 2014, 16:25

Did this work? Any follow ups?


Notice me, senpai.


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invisible - Invisible Sim in CAS mode. Empty Re: Invisible Sim in CAS mode.

Post by The_gh0stm4n Fri 05 Dec 2014, 19:36

weirdandhappykid wrote:Did this work? Any follow ups?


Notice me, senpai.


If you have the same error, or if you know someone who has the same issue, you can try it on your own. Wink 
G4TW RETIRED Forum Gatekeeper

G4TW RETIRED Forum Gatekeeper

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invisible - Invisible Sim in CAS mode. Empty Re: Invisible Sim in CAS mode.

Post by Guest Sun 07 Dec 2014, 19:49

Carlos wrote:
weirdandhappykid wrote:Did this work? Any follow ups?


Notice me, senpai.


If you have the same error, or if you know someone who has the same issue, you can try it on your own. Wink 

It did not work for me. HAd the rdll. problem.


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invisible - Invisible Sim in CAS mode. Empty Re: Invisible Sim in CAS mode.

Post by The_gh0stm4n Mon 08 Dec 2014, 19:50

weirdandhappykid wrote:
It did not work for me. HAd the rdll. problem.

Most likely you did something wrong, but feel free to open a NEW thread for your problem(s), instead of discussing this here. Smile
G4TW RETIRED Forum Gatekeeper

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invisible - Invisible Sim in CAS mode. Empty Re: Invisible Sim in CAS mode.

Post by Guest Sat 03 Jan 2015, 18:43

I have the exact same issue.


So i uninstalled my game and desabled my antivirus and windows defender. I reinstalled the game and tried it without the ultimate fix and it worked. The sims in CAS weren't invisible anymore.
Then i installed the Ultimate fix and the same problem occured.
So, the problem come from the Ultimate fix.


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invisible - Invisible Sim in CAS mode. Empty Re: Invisible Sim in CAS mode.

Post by Guest Sun 04 Jan 2015, 13:59

I've opened a new thread on that issue in the Download Support part because I believe it is linked to the download and is therefore not an in-game issue.
Haven't received any replies so far, but after reading this new post, I've tried uninstalling with Your Uninstaller Super Mode and reinstall without the ultimate fix.
But this is the error I get when I try to start the game:
invisible - Invisible Sim in CAS mode. Captur11

It seems to ask me to update my game anyway.
How did you manage to succesfully uninstall TS4 and reinstall without fix? Your Uninstaller should have removed absolutely anything that had to do with it so I don't understand what's wrong here.
Prior to using Your Uninstaller, I used the normal, manual Windows uninstaller. Needless to say, there were unnecessary left-overs and it didn't work either.


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invisible - Invisible Sim in CAS mode. Empty Re: Invisible Sim in CAS mode.

Post by Guest Mon 05 Jan 2015, 16:11

I have the same problem, I can't see my sim and I tried everything. Also I reinstalled it twice and I downloaded the ultimate fix also twice but nothing helped WhatDidUJustCallMe? 
Do you have any idea what should I do? 


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invisible - Invisible Sim in CAS mode. Empty Re: Invisible Sim in CAS mode.

Post by The_gh0stm4n Tue 20 Jan 2015, 22:39

caroy04 wrote:(...) So, the problem come from the Ultimate fix.

Not really.

Most people seem to be able to play the game flawlessly with the Ultimate fix. It's all about applying the fix correctly. And if there are issues, one needs to make sure to configure all (!) anti-virus & anti-malware programs correctly.

And no, simply "turning off" the anti-virus is not (always) enough. Because these programs often still continue working after being turned off. You will need to actually configure the exclusion lists carefully.

Beyond that, each of you, please open a NEW thread for your issues; having separate threads makes communication for us easier. Smile 
G4TW RETIRED Forum Gatekeeper

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invisible - Invisible Sim in CAS mode. Empty Re: Invisible Sim in CAS mode.

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