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Error writing to file error. [SOLVED]

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Error writing to file error. [SOLVED] Empty Error writing to file error. [SOLVED]

Post by Guest Tue 03 Feb 2015, 07:41

Hello again games4theworld,

I am having the exact same issue as another user per the install. Error writing to file C:\Program Files(x86)\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4\Game\Bin\rld.dll

Verify that you have access to that directory. NOTE: I followed the instruction in regards to navigating to this specific file during the install and deleted it, reran the install with no change. Thank you for any help in advance!


NOTE: This issue has been resolved. I had to ultimately uninstall Bitdefender Antivirus because it was causing some type of rights issue with the folders that I was trying to copy some of the .dll files involved in from the fix. With Bitdefender free edition, it is impossible to add exceptions, which is really stupid! I uninstalled and restarted, re-installed the Sims 4 G4TW edition, then re-applied the fix which ultimately worked.


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Error writing to file error. [SOLVED] Empty Re: Error writing to file error. [SOLVED]

Post by The_gh0stm4n Wed 04 Feb 2015, 16:49

renzore101 wrote:Hello again games4theworld,

I am having the exact same issue as another user per the install. Error writing to file C:\Program Files(x86)\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4\Game\Bin\rld.dll

Verify that you have access to that directory. NOTE: I followed the instruction in regards to navigating to this specific file during the install and deleted it, reran the install with no change. Thank you for any help in advance!


NOTE: This issue has been resolved. I had to ultimately uninstall Bitdefender Antivirus because it was causing some type of rights issue with the folders that I was trying to copy some of the .dll files involved in from the fix. With Bitdefender free edition, it is impossible to add exceptions, which is really stupid! I uninstalled and restarted, re-installed the Sims 4 G4TW edition, then re-applied the fix which ultimately worked.

Thank you for letting us know about this thing with "BitDefender", renzore ! Though I guess there would've been some sort of option to modify that, or some kind of "exlcusion list" too. But so be it. Good to hear it's solved now. Feel free to get in touch with us anytime again. Have fun ! Topic closed.
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