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accidentally change the default program

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accidentally change the default program Empty accidentally change the default program

Post by Guest Mon 23 Feb 2015, 13:45

I happened to change the default programs that read / open .PACKAGE files. How do I change back? alternatively find the right program. I thought it looked like a .dll file of some sort before I accidentally change. (Windows shel) or something like that. I play Sims3 with all extension packs installed on Windows 7 Pro 64 bit. Please HELP


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accidentally change the default program Empty Re: accidentally change the default program

Post by Guest Mon 23 Feb 2015, 15:16

Windows 7: Default File Type Associations - Restore
This is probably what you need. Don't know if it will work, you will have to find out for yourself.
I also think the game should work if the files are in the wright place, regardless of what program is set as default for that file.


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accidentally change the default program Empty Re: accidentally change the default program

Post by The_gh0stm4n Wed 25 Feb 2015, 19:44

thesaint007 wrote:I happened to change the default programs that read / open .PACKAGE files. How do I change back? alternatively find the right program. I thought it looked like a .dll file of some sort before I accidentally change. (Windows shel) or something like that. I play Sims3 with all extension packs installed on Windows 7 Pro 64 bit. Please HELP

Welcome thesaint007 and sorry for the belated reply,

In addition to what the previous poster said, you actually don't need to open .package files at all, unless you are interested in modding. But the average user doesn't need that.

One possibility to "open" those files is with the "Sims 3 package editor" (or "S3PE", google for it if you want). I think in the properties of the .package files you can set the default program too, with which to open them. So right-click on any .package file, and go to Properties. In the "General"-tab under "open with"...chose the Sims 3 Package Editor. 

Normally, if you did it right, every time you double-click on a .package file, it will open in S3PE then. Good luck and keep us posted if you like ! Smile 
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