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No game disc found!

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No game disc found! Empty No game disc found!

Post by Guest Tue 14 Jul 2015, 07:30

I just downloaded the university life expansion pack for sims 3. but when i opened the game, it says, "No game disc found! Please insert the sims 3 university life disc before proceeding." I already tried copying and replacing the crack in the game/bin, but the no disc still pops up. what should i do?

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No game disc found! Empty Re: No game disc found!

Post by Sim Architect Fri 24 Jul 2015, 11:32

Please, which version of the crack (where did you get it) are you using? You're supposed to use the one from the guide below (and do everything as said there):

Games4theWorld Install Sims 3

You can also watch the video below, if you have a few minutes to spare, where it's shown how to install the game and all the expansions you'd like to have (and where to download them, as in the video's description).

Let's know if you need further assistance or if you figured things and (and, of course, be welcome to share your solution/mistake).

Happy simming!

Tea 5 Tea 5 

Sim Architect
Sim Architect
The Gray Eminence :p
G4TW HONORARY Moderator The Gray Eminence :p

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