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The sims 3: no EA folder!

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The sims 3: no EA folder! Empty The sims 3: no EA folder!

Post by Guest Wed 29 Jul 2015, 17:04

Hey there,

So I upgraded to Windows 10 today, to find that my mods and cc from my game were gone. I reinstalled the Sims 3 (I bought it) in Origin, but didnt uninstall all my expansions from G4TW (most up to ITF). So then I launched up the launcher and couldnt play the game due to the disk error, so I applied the ultimate fix from the # crack folder. The game worked! However, I have now got no Sims 3 folder in the Electronic Arts folder. i tried searching for it, but all I could find was the Origin Games folder. I even played the game, saved it and tried searching for it, which failed. So now I have a save somewhere on my disk!

Could this be a permissions error? When I tried to delete The Sims 3 folder before I reinstalled it, I couldnt. By changing some permissions around (I can't remember which ones) I could delete it.

What can I do now?

My DxDiag, if it is helpful:




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The sims 3: no EA folder! Empty Re: The sims 3: no EA folder!

Post by ☠ ~ Aɳɳ ~ ☠ Wed 29 Jul 2015, 17:25


There's no longer a "sims 3" folder in documents? Interesting. I'm not sure what to tell you, I'm also upgrading, but as of yet, it hasn't happened yet, so I can't be more helpful at the moment, unfortunately.

I am however going to backup the folder in "documents" to be on the safe side!
☠ ~ Aɳɳ ~ ☠
☠ ~ Aɳɳ ~ ☠
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