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Windows 10 and Origin

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Windows 10 and Origin   Empty Windows 10 and Origin

Post by Guest Tue 08 Sep 2015, 16:33

Since I've updated to Windows 10 a couple days ago, whenever I click on the Sims 4 icon, Origin automaticaly appears and The Sims 4 opens up too except it doesn't go past a black screen and it says "Origin is currently not running. Please make sure that Origin is running before attempting to play The Sims 4" I've installed the game as well as all the fixes from here, including the latest temporary fix, everything was fine and smooth until I upgraded to Windows 10 (from Windows 7). I have the links as instructed in the exception list of my Anti-virus program, Windows defender is deactivated and the wirewall has an exception list too.
I'm not sure what to do nor where exactly lies the problem, any form of help will be appreciated.

Thanks beforehand!!

What he said. Help


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Windows 10 and Origin   Empty Re: Windows 10 and Origin

Post by Sim Architect Tue 08 Sep 2015, 19:15

Lilian18 wrote:Hi!
Since I've updated to Windows 10 a couple days ago, whenever I click on the Sims 4 icon, Origin automaticaly appears and The Sims 4 opens up too except it doesn't go past a black screen and it says "Origin is currently not running. Please make sure that Origin is running before attempting to play The Sims 4" I've installed the game as well as all the fixes from here, including the latest temporary fix, everything was fine and smooth until I upgraded to Windows 10 (from Windows 7). I have the links as instructed in the exception list of my Anti-virus program, Windows defender is deactivated and the wirewall has an exception list too.
I'm not sure what to do nor where exactly lies the problem, any form of help will be appreciated.

Thanks beforehand!!

What he said. Help
If you did not exclude the folders as told in the video, but only "unquarantined/allowed" the originrld.dll item before and the game worked, bad news, Windows 10, since YESTERDAY, is removing the crack AGAIN as if it was a "new virus", but with the same name. It even forces you to restart your PC.

You got two options, exclude the FOLDER where the game files are, or keep fighting the anti-virus by opening it and checking the quarantined items list, then restoring the dll several times until you get tired Sad (trying to "allow" it somewhere else won't work either, since Windows Defender classifies the crack as a "serious" threat).

EA must be paying good dough to Microsoft to kill the crack, now that the "whole game" is way more expensive, if you put together base game and all expansions Sad

They do not do anything to the base game crack, why? It works like an "ilegitimate sharewhare". Who wants to play base game only when everybody is talking about Spa Day and Cool Kitchen, and to have it, you need to buy the legitimate game, of course (I miss the old times where you could just buy 1 Sims 3 expansion or base game and be happy with a fix, play online, do everything, times changed).

Anyway, try that and keep us posted!

Tea 5 Tea 5
Sim Architect
Sim Architect
The Gray Eminence :p
G4TW HONORARY Moderator The Gray Eminence :p

Windows version :
  • Windows 10

System architecture :
  • 64 bits (x64)

Favourite games : Plants vs Zombies, The Sims 3, Cities Skylines, The Sims 4


Posts : 2137
Points : 7020
Join date : 2012-03-10
Age : 45
Location : The Netherlands

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Windows 10 and Origin   Empty Re: Windows 10 and Origin

Post by Guest Wed 09 Sep 2015, 19:08

It's still the same problem, Origin pops up everything I try to play the game, if only I could get rid of that...


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Windows 10 and Origin   Empty Re: Windows 10 and Origin

Post by Guest Wed 09 Sep 2015, 23:01

Lilian18 wrote:It's still the same problem, Origin pops up everything I try to play the game, if only I could get rid of that...
Will installing everything all over again help? Or should I go back to Windows 7 (that is, if there won't be a problem doing so) I have a hard time not imagining myself playing The sims after all these years. I'm desperate for tips.


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Windows 10 and Origin   Empty Re: Windows 10 and Origin

Post by Guest Thu 10 Sep 2015, 16:31

I'm really desperate  Facepalm Any suggestions to stop Origin from appearing first would be helpful. I excluded every Sims 4 related folder and file I have. There must be a solution to this.


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Windows 10 and Origin   Empty Re: Windows 10 and Origin

Post by Guest Thu 10 Sep 2015, 20:09

Hello Lilian,

Please do not despair!
I've had the same problem, and I'm afraid you have to do a clean install from scratch.
However, even that can be tricky.

Do you have some games inside Origin? Free or bought games that are legit there?
Do you have a lot of games related to Origin (cracked or legit)?


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Windows 10 and Origin   Empty Re: Windows 10 and Origin

Post by Guest Thu 10 Sep 2015, 21:34

Shamrock wrote:Hello Lilian,

Please do not despair!
I've had the same problem, and I'm afraid you have to do a clean install from scratch.
However, even that can be tricky.

Do you have some games inside Origin? Free or bought games that are legit there?
Do you have a lot of games related to Origin (cracked or legit)?


I only have the Sims 4 demo on Origin.


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Windows 10 and Origin   Empty Re: Windows 10 and Origin

Post by Guest Fri 11 Sep 2015, 06:10

Hi!! So i had the same issue that you have, and I was FREAKING out, but literally just right now i solve it.

I had everything in the excluded folders on widnows defender and the firewall turn off, so I went to the history on my antivirus (windows defender) on Quarantined items>View Details, and there it was, the RldOrigin.dll as a detected item, so i restore it and try to run the game and IT WORKED! I hope that would work for you too, I know the feeling Sad GOOD LUCK!

(Sorry if my english is bad haha)


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Windows 10 and Origin   Empty Re: Windows 10 and Origin

Post by Guest Fri 11 Sep 2015, 07:25

nixanay wrote:Hi!! So i had the same issue that you have, and I was FREAKING out, but literally just right now i solve it.

I had everything in the excluded folders on widnows defender and the firewall turn off, so I went to the history on my antivirus (windows defender) on Quarantined items>View Details, and there it was, the RldOrigin.dll as a detected item, so i restore it and try to run the game and IT WORKED! I hope that would work for you too, I know the feeling Sad GOOD LUCK!

(Sorry if my english is bad haha)

I actually thought that might be it for me as well... but there isn't anything in the Quarantined items. I'm having the same problem here and I've done everything in the instructions and Sim Arc's video...


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Windows 10 and Origin   Empty Re: Windows 10 and Origin

Post by Guest Fri 11 Sep 2015, 19:30

nixanay wrote:Hi!! So i had the same issue that you have, and I was FREAKING out, but literally just right now i solve it.

I had everything in the excluded folders on widnows defender and the firewall turn off, so I went to the history on my antivirus (windows defender) on Quarantined items>View Details, and there it was, the RldOrigin.dll as a detected item, so i restore it and try to run the game and IT WORKED! I hope that would work for you too, I know the feeling Sad GOOD LUCK!

(Sorry if my english is bad haha)

I followed your instructions but sadly it didn't work. It seems like my sims 4 files have somehow gone corrupted or something  got missing from them. I will just do a clean install I guess  Why God.


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Windows 10 and Origin   Empty Re: Windows 10 and Origin

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