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Blue Loading Circle whenever I open my Sims 3 Late Night launcher?

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Blue Loading Circle whenever I open my Sims 3 Late Night launcher? Empty Blue Loading Circle whenever I open my Sims 3 Late Night launcher?

Post by Guest Sat 19 Sep 2015, 22:31

HI! Lol, I'm new to this. So please excuse my lack of knowledge about this kinda stuff. But anyways, I've been trying to download the Sims 3 Late night yesterday but finally decided to give up at 3AM in the morning and call it a day. I have been going from forum to download to youtube video to google so many times today its unbelievable. So I downloaded the Sims 3 Late night. Then I used uTorrent to do its thang until it was completed. Then I opened it after it was completed and extracted it using 7-zip. But then I read a forum saying that 7-zip messes with the files, so I uninstalled 7-zip and downloaded winRAR 64 and used that to extract the files. Then I opened it and done the Ultimate Fix thing because that's what the guy said on the video, and that took a while so I just waited for it to load. Then when it loaded I copied and pasted what was in the # Crack files and put it into my SIMS 3 LATE NIGHT NOT my sims 3. Then I loaded the game up with the set up etc then the launcher came up and I was so excited. Then I gave myself a good pat on the back for being 'so clever' and I opened the game. I waited around 20 minutes for it to load but only to see a blue loading circle and a black screen. So I redid all my steps 3 times. And when I say redid my steps, I uninstalled everything and redid it all. I redid the Ultimate Fix, the uTorrent.. Absolutely everything. THEN I finally said 'forget this, it obviously isn't going to work' and I went to my Sims 3 University (I downloaded this using a CD from EA) and it came up with a message saying that the game couldn't load, so I was panicking because the Late Night obviously did something to it. So I tried putting in my Sims 3 base game CD and the same thing happened. I searched everywhere on the web for a solution and didn't find one, so I had to delete my games. Along with my sims and the clothes and mods I downloaded. I just finished reinstalling my sims 3 game and everything's working smoothly, but even after all my sims gone, I still wanted Late Night installed. So I redid everything again, doing EXACTLY what I was told to do. I read from the forum on this site saying how t install it properly and I damn well did it. And instead of it asking for a CD or saying that it couldn't load, it went straight back to the stupid blue circle, and it's still on the blue circle as I write this forum. I honestly don't know what I'm doing wrong. I did everything it said and I'm on the verge to jumping into a brick wall. Is there something that I'm missing out? I did what the guy said AS I was playing the video so I wouldn't miss on anything vital. BTW, I only have the sims 3 base and sims 3 university and both were store bought. Please. Somebody. Help. Me.
Help I'm new here. Noob The Sims Plumbob 1 bounce affraid confused Censored Aadmien liekesss! All Hail Carlos! Can't touch banana They see me rolin' Paty ninja!
Btw I would just like to say, if the Admin of the site sees this your stickers are cool af IAmSoHappyEmergahwd


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Blue Loading Circle whenever I open my Sims 3 Late Night launcher? Empty Re: Blue Loading Circle whenever I open my Sims 3 Late Night launcher?

Post by ☠ ~ Aɳɳ ~ ☠ Sun 20 Sep 2015, 11:05


Welcome to the forum.
As I understand it, you copied the crack to the Late Night folder, is that correct? If that's the case, it might help to apply the entire ultimate fix as described in the fix's Installation Guide. 
The crack needs to be in the game/bin folder of the base game. I can see how that wouldn't seem obvious, since your game is store bought, but that's where it has to go Smile

If you need more help, don't hesitate to post.
☠ ~ Aɳɳ ~ ☠
☠ ~ Aɳɳ ~ ☠
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Blue Loading Circle whenever I open my Sims 3 Late Night launcher? Empty Re: Blue Loading Circle whenever I open my Sims 3 Late Night launcher?

Post by Guest Sun 20 Sep 2015, 14:09

Hello Lady ElDi, 

I understand you must be quite busy as you're on of the few who run this website, so I'm sorry for my nuisance.

I copied the 2 things in # Crack file and put it in my Sims 3 base game, I used it through Program Files (x86), Electronic Arts, Sims 3, Games, Bin. Then I loaded my game and the same blue circle came up again. I don't understand because when I open my launcher, the Late night icon at the bottom comes up indicating that I do have the game installed and I updated the game to the latest version (6.5.1) I done everything the guy told me on the video. And he said in another video of his that the same method is required for each expansion pack. So I just followed his Island Paradice tutorial because he used Windows to do it and not Mac. I saw a post saying you had to install Outdoor Living Stuff for the download to work, is that true?


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Blue Loading Circle whenever I open my Sims 3 Late Night launcher? Empty Re: Blue Loading Circle whenever I open my Sims 3 Late Night launcher?

Post by ☠ ~ Aɳɳ ~ ☠ Sun 20 Sep 2015, 16:21


Don't worry about being a nuisance Smile we're here to help!

It can take a while for the game to start, what happens if you leave it for a few minutes?
You don't need Outdoor Living Stuff, it should work with your current game.
☠ ~ Aɳɳ ~ ☠
☠ ~ Aɳɳ ~ ☠
G4TW SUPER Adminatrix
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G4TW SUPER Adminatrix First Lady / Commander-In-Chief

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Blue Loading Circle whenever I open my Sims 3 Late Night launcher? Empty Re: Blue Loading Circle whenever I open my Sims 3 Late Night launcher?

Post by Guest Tue 22 Sep 2015, 18:59

I left my computer on the blue circle for 5 hours and it didn't load. Then when my computer died, I loaded it up and it was still there.. Do you want the link to the video I got the instructions from to see if the person who made it did it correctly himself?


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Blue Loading Circle whenever I open my Sims 3 Late Night launcher? Empty Re: Blue Loading Circle whenever I open my Sims 3 Late Night launcher?

Post by Guest Sat 26 Sep 2015, 18:26

Okay I left the game again and it still hasn't loaded, I'm sure I did everything correctly.


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Blue Loading Circle whenever I open my Sims 3 Late Night launcher? Empty Re: Blue Loading Circle whenever I open my Sims 3 Late Night launcher?

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