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'Origin not running' problem - Vista. Please help!

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'Origin not running' problem - Vista. Please help! Empty 'Origin not running' problem - Vista. Please help!

Post by Guest Mon 19 Oct 2015, 06:42

I've looked at pretty much every post on here. I'll list exactly what I've done so you guys can see if I've done anything wrong.
So, I torrented the full game from games4theworld, the 'Get to Work' expansion and the ultimate fix from Carlos, the most recent one. Before I did anything, I disabled both my firewall and my Windows Defender, as I don't have any other programs to interfere and I didn't want to deal with the hassle. I then torrented the game, taking it out of the Electronic Arts folder and putting it directly in C:\Program Files\. Next I moved the files from the Get to Work .rar to the folder, then I moved the Ultimate Fix folders to the Sims 4 folder. I also launched the vcredist_x84, as it instructed. It still gives me the error. As a test, I have a second folder without the Ultimate Fix, just the main game and 'Get to Work' and it works perfectly fine. Any ideas? =/

(And, for good measure, I downloaded the extra RldOrigin.dll just incase it was a problem with that, still no dice.)


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'Origin not running' problem - Vista. Please help! Empty Re: 'Origin not running' problem - Vista. Please help!

Post by Sim Architect Mon 19 Oct 2015, 08:46

You can try the "old" version of the current fix, that is much larger, but more complete, because it includes Get to Work (again) and other things...

How to Install The Sims 4 with Cool Kitchen Stuff, Spa Day and all DLCs (with torrent link)!

Please, keep us posted, and have a happy simming experience!
Sim Architect
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The Gray Eminence :p
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'Origin not running' problem - Vista. Please help! Empty Re: 'Origin not running' problem - Vista. Please help!

Post by Guest Mon 19 Oct 2015, 10:57

Thank you, I'm downloading right now and I'll keep you posted on how it goes!


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'Origin not running' problem - Vista. Please help! Empty Re: 'Origin not running' problem - Vista. Please help!

Post by Guest Mon 19 Oct 2015, 12:01

Didn't work, though as I looked through everything I did notice something. I searched through the Sims 4 folder and I couldn't find the obfuscator.xz file that some people were mentioning. Where should it be, and might this be the reason it's not working?


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'Origin not running' problem - Vista. Please help! Empty Re: 'Origin not running' problem - Vista. Please help!

Post by Sim Architect Mon 19 Oct 2015, 14:32

Hi! The file is not called obfuscator, but RldOrigin.dll. Obfuscator.xz is the name Windows Defender is giving to the "virus" it says the crack has inside (which is the file RldOrigin.dll). That's the one you should have, if you don't, then it means your anti virus removed it and you need to reapply it/exclude folders on your antivirus first etc, as the video shows...

Please take another look and let us know the result Smile

Tea 5 Tea 5
Sim Architect
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'Origin not running' problem - Vista. Please help! Empty Re: 'Origin not running' problem - Vista. Please help!

Post by Guest Mon 19 Oct 2015, 19:53

I'm having the same issue and no mods have responded to me in either of the 3 threads I've posted in, Lol. What do I have to do to get some service around here??


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'Origin not running' problem - Vista. Please help! Empty Re: 'Origin not running' problem - Vista. Please help!

Post by Sim Architect Tue 20 Oct 2015, 06:41

Breenana1227 wrote:I'm having the same issue and no mods have responded to me in either of the 3 threads I've posted in, Lol. What do I have to do to get some service around here??
Sorry, we aren't many around right now, and since I am a bit sick for the past few weeks, I am picking only a few random topics that I feel I can help with, then I go rest until a few hours (or days) later, when I come back here. But don't worry, we love you all Smile

I don't know if you know, but we are a small group of people doing our best to help gamers like you to have support and access to the games on the best way possible but, as we aren't many and as most of us have a busy schedule during the day (you know the deal, family, work etc), you will feel sometimes a "bit" of a lag in our replies.

Anyway, besides the inconvenience above, did you try my advice? Did it work for you?

Please keep us posted and remember that we're doing the best we can which is, historically, better than the assistance provided by EA to people who actually bought the game, but we can only go so far with limited resources, which does NOT mean we do not care, it's just that our hands are too full sometimes and some questions end up getting a later reply.

Tea 5 Tea 5
Sim Architect
Sim Architect
The Gray Eminence :p
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'Origin not running' problem - Vista. Please help! Empty Re: 'Origin not running' problem - Vista. Please help!

Post by Guest Thu 22 Oct 2015, 00:09

It didn't work for me sadly. Would you mind telling me the size of your rldorigin.dll file? maybe I can tell if it's smaller (then it would be a problem w/ obfuscator being deleted)


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'Origin not running' problem - Vista. Please help! Empty Re: 'Origin not running' problem - Vista. Please help!

Post by Sim Architect Thu 22 Oct 2015, 05:56

Hi! Sorry to hear that!

Please, take a look at both topics below (the first one shows the date and size of the file as you asked). Remember that you should also work up your anti virus (and smartscreen) before downloading anything, whenever possible.

My video also has a link to the torrent of the small cracked dll by itself, in case you need.



Please, keep us posted!

Tea 5 Tea 5
Sim Architect
Sim Architect
The Gray Eminence :p
G4TW HONORARY Moderator The Gray Eminence :p

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'Origin not running' problem - Vista. Please help! Empty Re: 'Origin not running' problem - Vista. Please help!

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