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Having Sims4 Base Game (bought) + G4TW Sims4 installed simultaneously

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Having Sims4 Base Game (bought) + G4TW Sims4 installed simultaneously  Empty Having Sims4 Base Game (bought) + G4TW Sims4 installed simultaneously

Post by Guest Sat 24 Oct 2015, 23:39

Hello. I haven't been successful in finding a post that thoroughly goes through this, though I have seen it being mentioned in posts before. Maybe I was reading wrong but I have the Sims 4 base game that I bought from Origin. Is it possible to have that installed and have the G4TW installed at the same time [like in electronic arts folder in program files]? From what I read, this is a way you can still play and access the gallery. 
If so, how do I go about doing that?
Please help meh Smile


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Having Sims4 Base Game (bought) + G4TW Sims4 installed simultaneously  Empty Re: Having Sims4 Base Game (bought) + G4TW Sims4 installed simultaneously

Post by Sim Architect Sun 25 Oct 2015, 10:55

Hi! I think the search below might help you.


Happy simming!

Tea 5 Tea 5
Sim Architect
Sim Architect
The Gray Eminence :p
G4TW HONORARY Moderator The Gray Eminence :p

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Having Sims4 Base Game (bought) + G4TW Sims4 installed simultaneously  Empty Re: Having Sims4 Base Game (bought) + G4TW Sims4 installed simultaneously

Post by Guest Sun 25 Oct 2015, 20:13

Oh okay. Thank you. That link helped with what I was looking for. Smile


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Having Sims4 Base Game (bought) + G4TW Sims4 installed simultaneously  Empty Re: Having Sims4 Base Game (bought) + G4TW Sims4 installed simultaneously

Post by Sim Architect Sun 25 Oct 2015, 20:24

Awesome! Can we help you any further or did you get what you'd like working properly?

I wish I had a legit copy to do some tests, but I don't.

"My" computer is quite lousy right now (I sold mine, using a borrowed computer with no date to get another yet, but I will, and it will be even more awesome than the last two computers I had COMBINED, you will see, har har har), but I will try installing the sims eventually (10 years old computer, 10 years old game, they should go along well together, not as smooth as a 10 years old whiskey but good enough).

I also want to try some other games in my temporary rig, like Sims 2 and Cities:Skylines (I own those legit, besides Sims 3).

Sims 4 is lighter than 3, I think, so it should be fine too.

I really wish you're getting the best of both worlds. The gallery from your legit base game and the expansions from our lovely free version.

In the worst case scenario, you can always have a "multi boot" environment. I know that sounds crazy, but it can be quite effective when you want a "lab environment" that's completely separate (a virtual machine on VMWare can be fantastic too, but I am not sure about the graphics performance, the rest is ok).

Sorry for not being able to "try it myself" before telling you what to do. I am happy to see that I helped you somehow, anyway Smile

Cookie from Carlos Tea 1 Tea 1 Cookie from Carlos
Sim Architect
Sim Architect
The Gray Eminence :p
G4TW HONORARY Moderator The Gray Eminence :p

Windows version :
  • Windows 10

System architecture :
  • 64 bits (x64)

Favourite games : Plants vs Zombies, The Sims 3, Cities Skylines, The Sims 4


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Age : 45
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Having Sims4 Base Game (bought) + G4TW Sims4 installed simultaneously  Empty Re: Having Sims4 Base Game (bought) + G4TW Sims4 installed simultaneously

Post by Guest Sun 25 Oct 2015, 23:19

Nah. I wasn't expecting you to try it. I might give it a while sometime - maybe tomorrow after my final Sad I can inform you later if it does go well. 

Sims 4 should be able to run well on your 10 year old computer, though I am not sure about Cities: Skylines (I have only watched streams on it). I did get the Sims 2 ultimate collection and it was struggling a bit on my laptop. I  have an acer with AMD A4-5000 APw/ Radeon HD Graphics. I copied that straight from my system info lol. I got 6GB RAM installed apparently but I also have a bunch of games installed on my laptop so that could be why *shrugs.* 

I wish money came easy at this time, I had a dream today that I came across a really good gaming laptop for like 30 bucks. I woke thinking "this struggle is real" haha. I'm in uni and currently using my school and only laptop. When I go home, I can update the sims 4 on the big computer at home and should be able to access the gallery through there. I just wanna save some lots Sad(

I'm afraid I don't understand what you mean by "multi boot" environment...you lost me at that part LOL.

Thanks so much for your help, I don't need further help. If I try it and it doesn't work, I won't be too upset haha. I was just curious to see what could be done.


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Having Sims4 Base Game (bought) + G4TW Sims4 installed simultaneously  Empty Re: Having Sims4 Base Game (bought) + G4TW Sims4 installed simultaneously

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