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Sims 4: Access to Gallery

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Sims 4: Access to Gallery Empty Sims 4: Access to Gallery

Post by Guest Tue 27 Oct 2015, 18:07

Now I know that we can't access the Gallery because the Galley requires the internet and as soon as a cracked version is connected to the internet they'll be able to spot us out and shut us down, however it would be really cool if there was a way to bypass those filters and finally get to use the Gallery.... or perhaps an alternative route to download Gallery items without Origin? Is that possible?


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Sims 4: Access to Gallery Empty Re: Sims 4: Access to Gallery

Post by The_gh0stm4n Wed 28 Oct 2015, 03:50

AspiringPro wrote:Now I know that we can't access the Gallery because the Galley requires the internet and as soon as a cracked version is connected to the internet they'll be able to spot us out and shut us down, however it would be really cool if there was a way to bypass those filters and finally get to use the Gallery.... or perhaps an alternative route to download Gallery items without Origin? Is that possible?


Sorry, the key here is not (just) the cracked game. The reason you cannot use the gallery anymore is because the Origin client was updated. I saw people using an older Origin-client to connect to the gallery, but before you ask: no, we don't endorse these methods. Please consult other sources for more details on that.

You can still download from the gallery with a cracked Sims 4 and in the "regular way", but only if the Origin account you are using has a legit Sims 4 registered to it, like in my case. Other than that you're out of luck.

There are many other CC out there (e.g. The Sims Resource), so you may want to check them out instead.
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