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Abort child and create new sim. [SOLVED]

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Abort child and create new sim. [SOLVED] Empty Abort child and create new sim. [SOLVED]

Post by Guest Fri 30 Oct 2015, 18:19

i want to get my sims pregnent but dont want to keep the baby after birth of the child.how i can get rid of child after his/her birth?
and also i cant add sims in existing  game.i have a family of 3 sims.i want to add a new sim in this family not by birth or adoption,by create a new sim.so how can i add new sims in my existing family from creating new sim


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Abort child and create new sim. [SOLVED] Empty Re: Abort child and create new sim. [SOLVED]

Post by Sim Architect Sat 31 Oct 2015, 17:08


Hi! Maybe someone released a custom content that does it? I don't think the game has this functionality, sorry, since EA seems to avoid including controversial stuff in the game. Even "religious" holidays like Christmas and Halloween are released with "dialed down" names like "Spooky Day" instead of Halloween, to avoid issues...

I think that, by default, you can only move a sim out if they are a young adult (or older), or if you take an adult with them (so they will have the custody).

I remember that there are some Mods for Sims 3 that do it, among other things, but I never heard of such a thing for Sims 4 yet...

Tea 3 Tea 3
Sim Architect
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The Gray Eminence :p
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Abort child and create new sim. [SOLVED] Empty Re: Abort child and create new sim. [SOLVED]

Post by Guest Sat 31 Oct 2015, 19:12

and i also need to know how can i add new sims in my existing family from creating new sim?i cant add sims in existing  game.i have a family of 3 sims.i want to add a new sim in this family not by birth or adoption,by create a new sim.so

Abort child and create new sim. [SOLVED] Empty
Mod edit: Topic moved to "The Sims 4 in-game support".

- Carlos


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Abort child and create new sim. [SOLVED] Empty Re: Abort child and create new sim. [SOLVED]

Post by Guest Sat 31 Oct 2015, 23:08

Well, you can add and delete sims in cas with cheat if you want.
Open console (ctrl+shift+c) write "testingcheats on" and "cas.fulleditmode" then click on a dresser, select edit appearance and do what you want. Cheat will disable itself automatically after that.


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Abort child and create new sim. [SOLVED] Empty Re: Abort child and create new sim. [SOLVED]

Post by Guest Sat 31 Oct 2015, 23:15

thanks a lot


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Abort child and create new sim. [SOLVED] Empty Re: Abort child and create new sim. [SOLVED]

Post by Sim Architect Sun 08 Nov 2015, 20:37

Thanks, @Opheliakc!

Problem solved, topic closed.

Tea 4 Tea 4
Sim Architect
Sim Architect
The Gray Eminence :p
G4TW HONORARY Moderator The Gray Eminence :p

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Abort child and create new sim. [SOLVED] Empty Re: Abort child and create new sim. [SOLVED]

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