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Game freezes in CAS

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Game freezes in CAS Empty Game freezes in CAS

Post by Guest Wed 23 Sep 2015, 04:23

Today I downloaded the base game from you guys as well as the new fix with all updated DLCs (I don't know which ones exactly but if you need them I can get them). 

Anyways, I installed everything and everything worked, until I was in the CAS screen. I noticed that after spending more than 15-20 minutes in the CAS screen, the icon of the character I was working on (in the lower left hand side) turned into the little spinning loading thing. When I went to save, it just froze and didn't go anything until I opened task manager and closed it. I've tried it several different times and nothing seems to work. I did some searches and didn't find anything (unless I used the wrong keywords, which is possible lol) so I'm here seeking for help, any is appreciated!


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Game freezes in CAS Empty Re: Game freezes in CAS

Post by Sim Architect Sat 31 Oct 2015, 17:13

Hi! Did you get your problem solved already?

Please, try updating your windows and your video card drivers. Also, try right clicking the game icon and running with your good video card, and not the onboard intel one...

Keep us posted!

Tea 5 Tea 5
Sim Architect
Sim Architect
The Gray Eminence :p
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