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No game installer when downloaded?

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No game installer when downloaded? Empty No game installer when downloaded?

Post by Guest Mon 16 Nov 2015, 07:46

After having crashing issues with The Sims 4 the past month or so, I decided to uninstall and re-install to see if the new fixes would help, but now whenever I download either the update-only or ultimate fix it doesn't contain The_Sims_4_Setup.exe to be able to install the actual game. Am I totally missing something or is the download being weird, because I've never had a problem before. Thanks for any help!


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No game installer when downloaded? Empty Re: No game installer when downloaded?

Post by The_gh0stm4n Sun 22 Nov 2015, 06:53

musical0mermaid wrote:After having crashing issues with The Sims 4 the past month or so, I decided to uninstall and re-install to see if the new fixes would help, but now whenever I download either the update-only or ultimate fix it doesn't contain The_Sims_4_Setup.exe to be able to install the actual game. Am I totally missing something or is the download being weird, because I've never had a problem before. Thanks for any help!

Hello and welcome to the forum,

See the included instructions in the Ultimate fix(es) - if you have the freely available "Adobe Reader" installed, then you should be able to see a .pdf file inside the downloads.

Other than that there is no setup.exe in the fixes - you are supposed to copy all those files and folders, and then paste them to wherever you have your Sims 4 installed. If you installed the base game from Games4theworld, that will typically be C:\Program files(x86)\Electronic Arts.

When prompted, please replace ALL existing files/folders.

I also suggest that after doing so, you actually MOVE your install folder named "The Sims 4", out of Electronic Arts, and directly into "Program files(x86). Make sure to create new desktop shortcuts after that, and delete any old shortcuts.

Finally, you should also make sure to configure your anti-virus exclusions beforehand. For an introduction, see the video guide here or the forum guide here.

Good luck !  No game installer when downloaded? Alien
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