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Something about Sims 2.

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Something about Sims 2. Empty Something about Sims 2.

Post by Guest Wed 20 Jan 2016, 22:32

I had downloaded The Sims 2: Complete Collection and was wondering,
Why do you have to run like 2 or 3 patches instead of just the latest one AND
You forgot to add The Sims 2 Family Fun Stuff Patch

You only added the ones for Expansions, but Family Fun Stuff actually has a patch it is included on The Sims 2 Double Deluxe Series on PirateBay where you got the files from, so could you please add the patch to the torrent


And could you make a rar file and upload it with the Official Sims 2 Exchange Build/Buy Content they are located here 


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Something about Sims 2. Empty Re: Something about Sims 2.

Post by The_gh0stm4n Wed 20 Jan 2016, 23:32

CHall10006 wrote:I had downloaded The Sims 2: Complete Collection and was wondering,
Why do you have to run like 2 or 3 patches instead of just the latest one AND
You forgot to add The Sims 2 Family Fun Stuff Patch

You only added the ones for Expansions, but Family Fun Stuff actually has a patch it is included on The Sims 2 Double Deluxe Series on PirateBay where you got the files from, so could you please add the patch to the torrent


And could you make a rar file and upload it with the Official Sims 2 Exchange Build/Buy Content they are located here 

Hello @CHall10006,

Thanks for your feddback. Smile  The Sims 2 was compiled using a variety of different torrents. Not sure if we are thinking about one and the same stuff, but from the sources that I used, I do not recall a patch for Family Fun Stuff being included - though I may be wrong here. That said, you are (still) right, and there is indeed such a patch, which you can also get from this link, if you haven't done so already.


About the other patches, I could not find any reliable information on whether the patches were cumulative or not; meaning whether it was enough just to use the latest patch for each EP/SP. I decided to go the safe route, and suggested in the guide to simply use all patches - the way the original disc version of The Sims 2 was intended to be used. I mean, if you want you can of course go ahead and only use the latest patches, but I did not test that myself. And again, the reason I suggested this is because I could not find any reliable information on it.

Strictly speaking, I also "missed" the patch for the University expansion, but I cannot seem to apply that one on my installation. Hence I left it out. I'm planning to look for a workaround, and then make an announcement here about the Family Fun Stuff & University patches. Unfortunately, due to the way how torrents work, we can't add stuff to an already existing torrent. We would need to remove the current torrent completely, and re-upload the whole stuff. Most likely we're not going to do that though, for a relatively minor error like the missing patch.

Instead, I'll make an announcement on that, which should also be enough. Have fun, and thanks again for the input !  Carlos is tha man


I'll also look into these TS2 Exchange items, thanks ! It seems though, that some of them are also included in the store items pack that I uploaded here. We'll see though...
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Something about Sims 2. Empty Re: Something about Sims 2.

Post by Guest Thu 21 Jan 2016, 06:28

Okay, thanks!
I just love getting all of my game content from one place but I don't always do.
PS: There was also a huge Sims 1 Exchange with featured items on the main website. But they took it down. It was official, and called Get Cool Stuff you can find that here http://ts1depot.hfguide.net/index.html incase you want to see it.


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Something about Sims 2. Empty Re: Something about Sims 2.

Post by The_gh0stm4n Thu 21 Jan 2016, 21:46

CHall10006 wrote:Okay, thanks!
I just love getting all of my game content from one place but I don't always do.
PS: There was also a huge Sims 1 Exchange with featured items on the main website. But they took it down. It was official, and called Get Cool Stuff you can find that here http://ts1depot.hfguide.net/index.html incase you want to see it.

It's OK, but sometimes we all make mistakes I guess. Smile  As for these extra items you linked to above (both in TS1 + TS2), I'm not sure if it makes much sense for us to (re-)upload these on our own, when people can get them on other sites too. Maybe can make another small announcement though, and simply link to these sites. That could indeed be a possibility, but let's see.
G4TW RETIRED Forum Gatekeeper

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Favourite games : The Sims 3, L.A. Noire, Saints Row, Red Faction, Team Fortress 2, Overwatch, PvZ: Garden Warfare, Call of Duty: Ghosts, GTA: San Andreas, Counter-Strike, Hitman, Borderlands, The Binding of Isaac, Government simulation & Military strategy games, S.W.A.T. 4, GTA Online, Red Dead Online, Chessmaster XI, Monster Hunter: World, Paint the Town Red, The Elder Scrolls Online, Destiny 2.


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