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Using a bought copy to download from the gallery and a pirated one to play?

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Using a bought copy to download from the gallery and a pirated one to play? Empty Using a bought copy to download from the gallery and a pirated one to play?

Post by Guest Wed 06 Apr 2016, 16:32

Hey guys. I bought the base game and am really digging it so far. Wanna get into the sims more but the expansion pack prices are ridiculous so I turned to "alternative" sources for them hehe My question is can I still access the gallery even if I have pirated expansion packs? I can't find a definitive answer on the matter, but if it turns out I can't, are there alternatives? For example, can I open the bought copy of the game to download items from the gallery, then transfer some files around and have the gallery items show up in my pirated game?

*edited because "a definitive answer on the answer" is a stupid thing to type....

**edit again
After doing some more digging around I see that some users can apparently access the gallery through the pirated game if they have an origin account with a legitimate copy of the game? Is this still possible?


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Using a bought copy to download from the gallery and a pirated one to play? Empty Re: Using a bought copy to download from the gallery and a pirated one to play?

Post by The_gh0stm4n Thu 07 Apr 2016, 20:34

Hello and welcome to the forum @adversusanima,

The only way you can access the gallery these days is through a legit Sims 4 game on Origin. Theoretically, you could run both a legit game and a pirated game on the same computer, but it might be easier to keep the games on separate machines.

Should you want to use only one computer for that, you will need to do some tweaking. This post here may be able to give you some insights on that.

Good luck for now ! Smile
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