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TS4 bought and pirated/G4TW version help, please!

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TS4 bought and pirated/G4TW version help, please! Empty TS4 bought and pirated/G4TW version help, please!

Post by Guest Sun 05 Feb 2017, 22:33


I've been playing the pirated version of TS4 but with the recent update, I was far too inpatient to wait until someone cracked the new patch so I'm now using my boyfriend's Origin account to play. Problem is, since I've installed the Origin game, it's interfered with my pirated game. I can't launch the pirated game because I need to update it but all of my progress mods/CC are on there. I was wondering if there's a way I can keep both games but... run them separately? If that makes any sense  Why. I don't want to lose any of my saved data! 
Also, I don't have a folder for mods, screenshots, saved games, etc in the Origin version and I can't seem to find it anywhere (Most likely because of my pirated game). Please help?! I'll be forever grateful! Help

Mod edit: moved to the correct section.



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TS4 bought and pirated/G4TW version help, please! Empty Re: TS4 bought and pirated/G4TW version help, please!

Post by Guest Mon 06 Feb 2017, 12:22

As soon as you use an origin-account and allow it to update, all your pirated DLC's will be rendered unworkable.
So you'll only end up with those items bought by your boyfriend.
Your pirated game is now an origin game.

Install ALL the prated games (incl. basegame) on a different location on your computer and if you wish to play both versions separately, create another Windows user-account for that location.


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