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Sims 3: CD still missing

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Sims 3: CD still missing Empty Sims 3: CD still missing

Post by Guest Mon 09 May 2016, 21:29

I read the installation guide, downloaded the manual patch, re-downloaded the fix twice and put the crack in a million times but the game still says that I need a disc. I honestly don't know what to do now, did I **** up with the crack or with the fix? Do I need to uninstall everything and reinstall it back at pirate bay? Im at a loss.


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Sims 3: CD still missing Empty Re: Sims 3: CD still missing

Post by The_gh0stm4n Mon 09 May 2016, 23:56

ennandrea wrote:I read the installation guide, downloaded the manual patch, re-downloaded the fix twice and put the crack in a million times but the game still says that I need a disc. I honestly don't know what to do now, did I **** up with the crack or with the fix? Do I need to uninstall everything and reinstall it back at pirate bay? Im at a loss.


Hello and welcome to the forum,

Did you also install at least one of the expansion packs too ? Otherwise the Ultimate fix won't work. 

Yes, if you placed the 2 files from the #Crack-folder of the Ultimate fix, into the correct location C:\Program files (x86)\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3\Game\Bin, replaced the existing files, but the game still asks for a disc, it could point to a defective installation. In that case, feel free to check the chatbox regularly to see if I am online. I will then see to helping you with TeamViewer on that, if you like. Read up here on more information about TeamViewer. 
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Sims 3: CD still missing Empty Again

Post by Guest Tue 10 May 2016, 08:35

Hi Carlos,

Yes I did install an expansion pack, but I did it wrong with the crack, I redownloaded it and now I am trying to install it again but it tells me I have to delete my other (already installed) version, the 165 I think, I just can't find that one anymore. Is there something I can download that uninstalls that? After that I just follow the installation guide. Thank you!


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Sims 3: CD still missing Empty Re: Sims 3: CD still missing

Post by ☠ ~ Aɳɳ ~ ☠ Tue 10 May 2016, 09:41


You don't need to reinstall the game, just patch it to 1.67, using the manual patch and copy the crack. 
If this happens again, it's always a good idea to double-check that you did in fact copy the crack, and not made the common error of mistaking other files for the crack.
☠ ~ Aɳɳ ~ ☠
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