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TS4 not starting after installing City Living

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TS4 not starting after installing City Living Empty TS4 not starting after installing City Living

Post by Guest Mon 26 Dec 2016, 19:58

Hi! I searched this forum for specifics & "close enough" errors, but couldn't find the same
I already had base game and all other expansions installed from g4tw in the order you guys released them

When I was moving the files from the .rar I got this error saying 
"Checksum error in Data\Client\thumbnailsdeltapack1.package, The file is corrupt".

After the rest of the files transfered, I tried to open TS4.exe (from game\bin) and got this error: 
"Unable to start: Cannot start because required game data is missing or damaged. Please repair or reinstall the game via Origin [85262c58:29f00e76:00000000:00000000]."

I have Windows 7, game is installed in C:\Program Files\The Sims 4 (always been there & worked before installing CL), I use winrar to extract files, i don't have an antivirus, don't have Origin, the "Electronic Arts" folder from Program Files is empty.

I tried deleting the "Game version" .txt file from My Documents as I found on another topic here, but that didn't work. I also tried extracting the thumbnailsdeltapack1.package file only from the .rar but I'm getting same "file corrupted" message. If it matters, since "Get together" expansion, thumbnails were messed up (I didn't look for a fix because game was working fine, I just couldn't see some of the pictures like the tools thumbnails in building mode). 

Thanks in advance!


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TS4 not starting after installing City Living Empty Re: TS4 not starting after installing City Living

Post by Guest Mon 26 Dec 2016, 20:33

It looks like the download is not completed.


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TS4 not starting after installing City Living Empty Re: TS4 not starting after installing City Living

Post by Guest Tue 27 Dec 2016, 09:46

It's very unlikely considering I kept torrent running to seed, it's 5.98GB completed, it was completed last night when I transfered files.. I'll download it again and retry, will come back with info Sad


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TS4 not starting after installing City Living Empty Re: TS4 not starting after installing City Living

Post by Guest Tue 27 Dec 2016, 13:08

2. Go to: C:\Program Files (x86)\Electronic Arts\  ; if there's a folder called "The Sims 4" in there, select it and MOVE
it to the following location: C:\Program Files (x86)\ . If you don't do this, you will get errors while running the game.
Note that your new installation location will now be: C:\Program Files (x86)\The Sims 4\  , keep that in mind.


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TS4 not starting after installing City Living Empty Re: TS4 not starting after installing City Living

Post by The_gh0stm4n Tue 27 Dec 2016, 14:52

Hello @wtdnwytk and welcome to the Forum,

Sometimes there can be small file corruption issues. Most often, those issues can be fixed by right-clicking on the torrent (that is - hopefully - seeding in the client), and selecting STOP. Then right-click again and choose "Force re-check". This will now take a little while.

When done, the torrent will either run again as "seeding" in the client or it will attempt to re-download some of the damaged parts of the torrent.

In other cases, it can be an idea to switch torrent clients temporarily in case there are persistent file corruption issues.

Good luck for now!
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