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Patch 1.69 and Stuff Packs

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Patch 1.69 and Stuff Packs Empty Patch 1.69 and Stuff Packs

Post by Guest Mon 16 Jan 2017, 22:06

I was wondering if I could download the Stuff Packs from here if I have my game patched to 1.69, I have all the legit Expansion so I only need the SPs. Will it work?

I also have a friend patched to 1.69 that wanted to get Ambitions from here, can he add it or won't it work?

Thank you ^^


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Patch 1.69 and Stuff Packs Empty Re: Patch 1.69 and Stuff Packs

Post by The_gh0stm4n Tue 17 Jan 2017, 08:34

Boni wrote:I was wondering if I could download the Stuff Packs from here if I have my game patched to 1.69, I have all the legit Expansion so I only need the SPs. Will it work?

I also have a friend patched to 1.69 that wanted to get Ambitions from here, can he add it or won't it work?

Thank you ^^

Hello again,

Short answer: don't do it. Razz  Is that enough for you already, or do you need more elaborate explanations?  Haters gonna hate  Very Happy
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Patch 1.69 and Stuff Packs Empty Re: Patch 1.69 and Stuff Packs

Post by Guest Tue 17 Jan 2017, 23:29

I'd enjoy an elaborate explanation XD

Btw if I uninstalled my bg and patched it to 1.67 without uninstalling my other packs would it still work? I only updated because I needed WA since my disc somehow got scratched in the case WhatDidUJustCallMe? I'm no fan of origin so if it would work I would be ecstatic.


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Patch 1.69 and Stuff Packs Empty Re: Patch 1.69 and Stuff Packs

Post by The_gh0stm4n Wed 18 Jan 2017, 13:45

Boni wrote:I'd enjoy an elaborate explanation XD

Btw if I uninstalled my bg and patched it to 1.67 without uninstalling my other packs would it still work? I only updated because I needed WA since my disc somehow got scratched in the case WhatDidUJustCallMe? I'm no fan of origin so if it would work I would be ecstatic.

The main reason is that in our experience, since the 1.69 patch came out, most people reported some sort of problem when "mixing" cracked DLC with that Origin basegame on 1.69. Mostly it was about the game not properly starting up. The next thing is, that certain mods may not work anymore with 1.69. Which is why we don't give (official) support on 1.69 whatsoever.

Not sure if I understood properly, but you could have added World Adverntures without updating to 1.69 as well. I can't tell for sure, but yes, feel free to try uninstalling the 1.69 basegame and then re-install the base game. Then patch up to 1.67.
G4TW RETIRED Forum Gatekeeper

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Favourite games : The Sims 3, L.A. Noire, Saints Row, Red Faction, Team Fortress 2, Overwatch, PvZ: Garden Warfare, Call of Duty: Ghosts, GTA: San Andreas, Counter-Strike, Hitman, Borderlands, The Binding of Isaac, Government simulation & Military strategy games, S.W.A.T. 4, GTA Online, Red Dead Online, Chessmaster XI, Monster Hunter: World, Paint the Town Red, The Elder Scrolls Online, Destiny 2.


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