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HELP!! It doesn't ask for Disc 1...

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HELP!! It doesn't ask for Disc 1...  Empty HELP!! It doesn't ask for Disc 1...

Post by Guest Sun 06 Nov 2011, 17:34


I've been trying to install the Sims 3 all day now and it is actually getting on my nerves.
As told I first opened the 'start disk' and waited until it asked for the 'cd 1' ISO but that question never came.
Instead it just continued installing the game and told me the installation was complete.

However, when I right-mouse click 'The Sims 3' in applications to show me 'the contents' it shows me nothing. Except for the language files.
No BIN folder no nothing. Can someone please help me with this?? It also doesn't give me an 'Electronic Arts' map the official 'The Sims 3' disc gives me on my other Macbook. I really don't understand what I am doing wrong.

I use the newest Macintosh software LION. Maybe that has something to do with it?

Hopefully I will get help soon, before I throw my Macbook out of the window LOL

Thanks in advance!!


OK. So I figured out how to install the base game. But now I'm ready to
install the other packs and the guide tells me to start with 'Late
Night' or one of the others... so I followed the guide and I would like
the start the installation but all the game logo does is jump up and
down but it won't open the installer.

This is crazy. Help anyone??


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