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The Sims 3: World Adventures Expansion

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The Sims 3: World Adventures Expansion Empty The Sims 3: World Adventures Expansion

Post by Guest Tue 27 Dec 2011, 18:11

Hey all, I have a question. I downloaded the expansion and already have Pets installed. In the instructions it tells me:

2. Now open the Start menu. Type 'regedit' in the search box and press [ENTER]. Navigate to:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Sims\The Sims 3 and double-click on 'SKU'. Change the shown
number to 2 and press 'OK'. Close the Register Editor.

I however don't see Sims\The Sims 3 at all in my registry. So I'm not sure how to proceed. Do I just install normally and place the cracks as instructed?

I also see an update in my Sim Launcher Manager (which I installed originally with The Sims 3), do I update through that?


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The Sims 3: World Adventures Expansion Empty Re: The Sims 3: World Adventures Expansion

Post by Admin Tue 27 Dec 2011, 18:41

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