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Origin is currently not running...

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Origin is currently not running... Empty Origin is currently not running...

Post by Guest Wed 10 May 2017, 19:16

I had followed all the instructions, deleted old save files, opened ZCilent first and logged in, my install location was default, but when i launch TS4 from ZLOrigin, it kept saying Origin is currently not running and crashed. I had tried anything that i can to fix but nothing worked. Does anyone else know how to fix this? Because i had tried all the solution of all the previous posts but still no luck. So if no one know how to fix this unpopular problem, i'm gonna have to give up and go back to the cracked version. Sorry for my English, i'm a Vietnamese.


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Origin is currently not running... Empty Re: Origin is currently not running...

Post by Guest Thu 18 May 2017, 03:02

Having the same issue. All started when I installed ZClient too. I've uninstalled both origin and the Sims 4 and reinstalled the Sims again and I still have the same problem.


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