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No matter what I do, game starts in Spanish.

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No matter what I do, game starts in Spanish. Empty No matter what I do, game starts in Spanish.

Post by Guest Thu 02 Apr 2020, 21:26

It's not the first time I installed TS4 from files that you share, but it's the first time when game launches in Spanish. I can't really figure out what to do – I already followed installation instructions, carefuly and step by step, I also applied all the fixes that I could find. And in registry files, it tells me that my game is in English.
Do you have any ideas what I could do to fix it? I'm considering reinstalling the game but I also have the feeling that Spanish won't go away, lol.


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No matter what I do, game starts in Spanish. Empty Re: No matter what I do, game starts in Spanish.

Post by The_gh0stm4n Thu 02 Apr 2020, 21:43

prohov wrote:Hello! 
It's not the first time I installed TS4 from files that you share, but it's the first time when game launches in Spanish. I can't really figure out what to do – I already followed installation instructions, carefuly and step by step, I also applied all the fixes that I could find. And in registry files, it tells me that my game is in English.
Do you have any ideas what I could do to fix it? I'm considering reinstalling the game but I also have the feeling that Spanish won't go away, lol.

Hello and welcome to the G4TW Forums @prohov,

Are you positive that the registry entry under Computer => HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE =>  Software => Maxis => The Sims 4 => Locale, shows en_US ? You may also have to re-boot the PC and/or start TS4 as Administrator, in order for the registry entries to be "recognized".

Other than that, feel free to use anadius's validator program here and run your TS4 installation through it. Make sure to un-check the box that says "Quick Scan" as well.

When done, copy-paste the results from the page (where it says "Forum"), into a follow-up reply here. Good luck for now!

No matter what I do, game starts in Spanish. 2609580856
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