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question about cc, mods, and other stuff

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question about cc, mods, and other stuff Empty question about cc, mods, and other stuff

Post by Guest Tue 03 Jul 2012, 14:40

ok so CC is stuff you download from non EA creators right? and mods are game modifiations that change the game play? i have never downloaded any mods, and i have some CC (i think) from the exchange (sims with clothes and body types not provided by EA). but i'm interested in mods. I have seen some homes on the exchange where you can put objects through walls to change the use and look of them eg. a coffee table placed through a wall so it creates a smaller surface in each room, just as an example. I'm assuming that whoever made it used some sort of mod? because i tried it and it won't allow to be done. anyway i found some mod pages and was also wondering how it would change my games that i download from here. i use the fixes from here to update and download store content from the media fire site. also how do you get rid of a mod/CC if you don't want it anymore? can it ruin my game? any information would be helpful considering i don't know much about this Smile thanks for all!


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question about cc, mods, and other stuff Empty Re: question about cc, mods, and other stuff

Post by ☠ ~ Aɳɳ ~ ☠ Tue 03 Jul 2012, 14:56

//Topic moved

A mod can ruin your game if it's incompatible with your game version, or with another mod. The best thing to do before adding any mods, it to backup your save games before installing the mod.

What kind of mods are you looking for? I'm a huge fan of these myself. I'm using a number of their mods.

How to install them is explained here (you can ignore the message on top in the red box).

If you decide you no longer want a mod, you can simply remove it from the mods folder. But keep in mind that for some mods, you have to make sure no sims are performing an interaction related to the mod.

That thing with the table is done by using a cheat though, there are no mods involved. If you use moveobjects on in the cheatbox, you can do that. The cheatbox is brought up in game by using SHIFT-CTRL-C.
☠ ~ Aɳɳ ~ ☠
☠ ~ Aɳɳ ~ ☠
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