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Launcher Force Closes?

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Launcher Force Closes? Empty Launcher Force Closes?

Post by Guest Sat 01 Sep 2012, 22:57

I would just like to start off by saying thank you for making this website. I truly appreciate all that you all have done. I'd also like to say that Japanese is my first language so I'm sorry if some of my wording is odd or I have some misspells. Now, I purchased (legally) the base game, Gen, Amb, LN, and Mod Loft. Recently, I downloaded Pets and Showtime from you great people (I personally think of ST as more of a stuffpack..). Now, I don't use the launcher much (I use the no-cd thing), but recently I tried installing a Sims3Pack file and the launcher crashed! So I decided to try and manually open the launcher. It says something about a premium content update, then eventually it just closes without saying anything. It doesn't affect my game at all, I can play it with no problems. It's just annoying that I can't install Sims3Packs (I think that's what they're called..?). I'm sincerely sorry if this has been answered somewhere else. I'm really new to this forum and I'm horrid at navigating through here. Thanks in advance~


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Launcher Force Closes? Empty Re: Launcher Force Closes?

Post by Admin Sat 01 Sep 2012, 23:02


Welcome to the Forum and thank you for your post!
Try this first, please: https://games4theworld.forumotion.com/t1171-must-read-how-to-install-the-sims-3-correctly
DO NOT skip any steps!
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