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Please Help! CRC Error!

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Please Help! CRC Error! Empty Please Help! CRC Error!

Post by Guest Sat 22 Dec 2012, 11:48

I'm new to this site, so please if I do or post anything wrong please tell me.

I uninstalled my Sims 3 game and tried to reinstall it and I get the error: CRC Error: The file C:\Program Files\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3\Caches\SunsetValley.objectCache doesn't match the file in the setup's .cab file. The medium from which you are running the setup may be corrupted; contact your software vendor. I'm trying to mount the .iso file on Daemon tools and I have tested it on three different computers that all greatly exceed the minimum requirements to run the Sims 3. I have also tested it on Power iso and Magic iso with the same results. Please help me! It should run fine because it has worked on my computer before!


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Please Help! CRC Error! Empty Re: Please Help! CRC Error!

Post by Guest Sat 22 Dec 2012, 14:02

If it installs fine on the other machines but not yours then I would look for conflicting software. Some that are known to cause problems are: Paragon NTFS, Metakine DVD Remaster, Roxio Creator, and all CD emulation software (try reinstalling). You can also try disabling your antivirus, and as a final test I'd also do some diagnostics on my hard drive to make sure it's not failing.

If it doesn't install on any of the computers then you need to redownload the expansion and try again.


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Please Help! CRC Error! Empty Re: Please Help! CRC Error!

Post by Guest Sun 23 Dec 2012, 00:16

So CD emulation software is bad? Like Poweriso, Magic disk and Daemon Tools, it won't work on any of my computers and how do I run a diagnostics on my hard drive?


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Please Help! CRC Error! Empty Re: Please Help! CRC Error!

Post by Guest Sun 23 Dec 2012, 00:18

If it's not working on any of your computers then it's likely that the source is bad. Since it doesn't install on any of the computers then you need to redownload the expansion and try again.


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Please Help! CRC Error! Empty Re: Please Help! CRC Error!

Post by Guest Sun 23 Dec 2012, 02:24

Lol this will take a while, I have very slow internet. If it doesn't work, do I comment on this again?


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Please Help! CRC Error! Empty Re: Please Help! CRC Error!

Post by Guest Sun 23 Dec 2012, 08:35



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Please Help! CRC Error! Empty Re: Please Help! CRC Error!

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