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Crashing in the loading screen of new game/selected family.

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Crashing in the loading screen of new game/selected family. Empty Crashing in the loading screen of new game/selected family.

Post by Guest Sat 09 Feb 2013, 02:29


Recently I decided to try out Sims 3 once again, so I downloaded all the expansions and the main game (of course). After cracking everything I noticed I might have screwed up, since I put a lot of cracks into the expansion folders instead of the actual main game bin, like you should with everything up from Late Nights. So I tried out your how to install sims 3 correctly guide. I did everything that the guide told me, fixed the cracks etc. When I started the sims 3 the first loading screen, the one telling you all the funnt stuff like pumping clouds etc, was completely white, with the logo in the middle. I have no clue if that's the actual background or if it's the right one.

Anyway, everything seemed pretty okey up untill the next screen, where you choose which family to play or a new game. I pressed my current family and got up two empty tabs as well as a checkbox. There wasn't any text above it, so I clicked the right one, as I knew this was the one to actually start playing. Then the other loading screen comes up, the one where you can see your family, and some neat tips under it. About 1/5 of that loading bar, the game crashes, says something about it not working properly, "The SIms 3 has stopped working" or something in the style of that. So I decided to try your other ingame fixes. I chose to try the one with applying .exe files to the DEP of Win 7. I took all the examples you had in your fix. It still crashes on the same place, just like before I did it. Notice that I didn't take any of the .exe from all the expansions that weren't mentioned, since I thought that was unnecessary, judging the crack from Pets etc. was put into the main game bin folder.

Have you got any ideas what I might have to do?

Thanks in advance!


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Crashing in the loading screen of new game/selected family. Empty Re: Crashing in the loading screen of new game/selected family.

Post by ☠ ~ Aɳɳ ~ ☠ Sat 09 Feb 2013, 11:57


Does this apply to your game at all?
☠ ~ Aɳɳ ~ ☠
☠ ~ Aɳɳ ~ ☠
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Crashing in the loading screen of new game/selected family. Empty Re: Crashing in the loading screen of new game/selected family.

Post by Guest Sat 09 Feb 2013, 18:30

Nevermind this thread, I uninstalled everything and I am installing everything again


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Crashing in the loading screen of new game/selected family. Empty Re: Crashing in the loading screen of new game/selected family.

Post by Admin Sun 10 Feb 2013, 20:45


That's an option too.
Just be sure to follow these up-to-date instructions at all time: https://games4theworld.forumotion.com/t1171-must-read-how-to-install-the-sims-3-correctly and RE-DOWNLOAD both the manual patch and the Ultimate Fix.

Good luck and please let us know the final result and if you need more assistance during the process!
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Crashing in the loading screen of new game/selected family. Empty Re: Crashing in the loading screen of new game/selected family.

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