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Problems with installing on D: drive instead of C: drive.[SOLVED]

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Problems with installing on D: drive instead of C: drive.[SOLVED] Empty Problems with installing on D: drive instead of C: drive.[SOLVED]

Post by Guest Tue 29 Jan 2013, 22:28

Since I dont' have any room left on my C: drive, but over 200gb left on the D: drive, I wanted to install the sims 3 + expansions to the D:drive. But now I've been trying and trying to install it, and i just cant get it to work. After installing the sims 3 base game, and updating, and copy paste the cracks, the base game plays with no problem at all. But then when i try to install the expansions packs it says that the sims 3 base game hasn't been installed correctly. I've tried 1000 times, and i have tried using the fix - But when i apply the fix from the base game in the bin and launch the game to update it before copy pasting the crack, it suddenly says that the launcher has stopped working and then i can start all over installing the game.

Am i doing everything wrong, or is it completely impossible to install the crack version of the sims 3 on any other drive than the C: drive?
If it is possible can someone please explain to me how to do it, since the normal way of doing it wont work for me in the D: drive :-(


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Problems with installing on D: drive instead of C: drive.[SOLVED] Empty Re: Problems with installing on D: drive instead of C: drive.[SOLVED]

Post by Admin Wed 30 Jan 2013, 21:17


Sorry for the late reply!
It is possible, but you'll have to change the installation location during the installation itself and NOT move the installed files manually afterwards.

Two things:

1. Where did you get your base game from, exactly?
2. Did you move any of the base game's installed files/folders?
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Problems with installing on D: drive instead of C: drive.[SOLVED] Empty Re: Problems with installing on D: drive instead of C: drive.[SOLVED]

Post by Guest Wed 30 Jan 2013, 21:34

I have changed the location folder from the beginning as you write.

1. From here - And i have installed it the way it says here on the forum with the manual patch and all.
2. No, i haven't moved, changed og done anything else to nothing.

I'm trying to work it out now, and i think that i have found the way, but i'm not sure.
It worked before, and i managed to install two expansionpacks before it said that the base game was installed wrong - It seems as if it goes wrong everytime i install origin, så now i'm trying install all the expansion packs without installing origin, so far i'm up on 4 expansions.

I will return when i've tried to see if that is what the problem is :-)


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Problems with installing on D: drive instead of C: drive.[SOLVED] Empty Re: Problems with installing on D: drive instead of C: drive.[SOLVED]

Post by Admin Wed 30 Jan 2013, 22:35


Good, please let us know the result.
Good luck in the progress and let us know if you're stuck!
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Problems with installing on D: drive instead of C: drive.[SOLVED] Empty Re: Problems with installing on D: drive instead of C: drive.[SOLVED]

Post by Guest Wed 30 Jan 2013, 23:03

Hey Again.
I FINALLY got it to work. It was the origin making an error everytime i installed it before an expansion pack, but i have no idea why, but when i was done installing all the expansion packs, i installed origin, applied the fix and now its working perfect :-)


Hey again.
Now i have another problem.

After installing ALL
the expansion packs and using hours to do so, (the lates one installed
was late night) i was only missing the world adventures, and now when i
try to install it it says that the sims 3 base game doesn't have the
same regioncode as World Adventures.
I've tryed usin the fix, and the
game works and all, but it simply wont install World Adventures because
the base game has a different regioncode?

What can i do?

Last edited by Cagna on Thu 31 Jan 2013, 20:33; edited 1 time in total


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Problems with installing on D: drive instead of C: drive.[SOLVED] Empty Re: Problems with installing on D: drive instead of C: drive.[SOLVED]

Post by Admin Thu 31 Jan 2013, 22:39


You have to change the SKU code, as described in the included "# Installation Guide.txt".
If you can't find the SKU value in your Registry, read this, please: https://games4theworld.forumotion.com/t177-can-t-find-the-sims-3-sku-fix

Good luck!
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Problems with installing on D: drive instead of C: drive.[SOLVED] Empty Re: Problems with installing on D: drive instead of C: drive.[SOLVED]

Post by Guest Thu 31 Jan 2013, 22:44

Oh that's right..
Hahahaha - I just thought i had to install it like the others - feeling a bit stupid now Very Happy

I know where to find SKU, i also had to change it in one of the other expansion packs.

It's all working now, and thanks for the help and the quick answers, i truly appreciate your site since i dont have a disc-drive on my computer, så i cant just buy the games.

You can close this thread now if you want - and thanks again!


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Problems with installing on D: drive instead of C: drive.[SOLVED] Empty Re: Problems with installing on D: drive instead of C: drive.[SOLVED]

Post by ☠ ~ Aɳɳ ~ ☠ Sat 02 Feb 2013, 11:36


You're welcome, we're happy to help.
Don't hesitate to post if you have questions or problems again.
Happy simming The Sims Plumbob 1 topic closed.
☠ ~ Aɳɳ ~ ☠
☠ ~ Aɳɳ ~ ☠
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