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Launcher takes forever to open. [SOLVED]

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Launcher takes forever to open. [SOLVED] Empty Launcher takes forever to open. [SOLVED]

Post by Guest Tue 06 May 2014, 15:03

I have been having the issue of my launcher taking nearly forever to open. My mac specs are fine and I have a little amount of ccs. I was wondering if anyone knows of some tips or could help me with this. Thanks ^w^)/


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Launcher takes forever to open. [SOLVED] Empty Re: Launcher takes forever to open. [SOLVED]

Post by Dieneryn Fri 09 May 2014, 17:45


Firstly, you can start by removing the CCs. If it runs faster, the CCs might be the problem. Otherwise, you may try some of the solutions below:

Solution 1: Reducing Game Memory Usage
- Lower your game resolution.
- Use the "Save As" option instead of "Save" to generate new "healthy" files.
- Keep your Sim's inventory as empty as possible.
- Disable "Memories" from your in-game options.
- Delete existing "Memories" with the Nraas MasterController. [NRAAS/Master Controller/Sim/Intermediate/Remove memories>Homeworld]
- Read this link that Phoebe has posted before. It has many suggestions on how you can reduce memory usage which are quite often the causes of crashes.

Solution 2: Defragment your Mac
- Yes, you read me right. Macs actually do need to be defragmented, especially if you have large files. The Sims 3 files usually get very fragmented during installation, which means it takes a long time for the Mac to read the files, causing lags and eventually crashes.
- I personally use iDefrag. It is a little pricey, but definitely a great investment if you intend to keep your Mac healthy for a long time. Otherwise, you can look for any other alternative you wish. 

Solution 3: Free-up Space in your Mac
- Clean up your files regularly and keep enough space in your Mac. It helps a lot!
G4TW RETIRED Moderatrix
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G4TW RETIRED Moderatrix Discharged with Honors

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Launcher takes forever to open. [SOLVED] Empty Re: Launcher takes forever to open. [SOLVED]

Post by Guest Fri 09 May 2014, 23:02

Thank you so much! Solution 2 really helped. I never knew that macs need to be defragmented(the more you know I guess). Thanks a lot!!!!


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Launcher takes forever to open. [SOLVED] Empty Re: Launcher takes forever to open. [SOLVED]

Post by Dieneryn Thu 15 May 2014, 04:46

That's great to know! I'll close this topic for now Smile Don't hesitate to contact us again if you need help!

Happy simming!!!
G4TW RETIRED Moderatrix
Discharged with Honors

G4TW RETIRED Moderatrix Discharged with Honors

Favourite games : The Sims Series, Harvest Moon Series, Legend of Zelda, Patapon, Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom, Pheonix Wright Series, Mario, and several other MMORPGs


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Launcher takes forever to open. [SOLVED] Empty Re: Launcher takes forever to open. [SOLVED]

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