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Double/missing sims Into The Future

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Double/missing sims Into The Future Empty Double/missing sims Into The Future

Post by Guest Thu 19 Jun 2014, 20:42

I have sims 3 installed with World Adventures and Into the Future
Sims + WA was really laggy, so I decided to try and install the newest expansion pack as to get updates through
Lag disappeared but tons of weird stuff happened.
If my sims go on any vacation, 2 identical sims for each sim who left will return with my, overriding existing household sims if it becomes too many, this also counts for the future
If I try to enter dystopian or utopian future, all sims just disappear and I have nothing to control
My sims retain no skills, relations or anything they acquired on their vacation
Additionally, when I boot up the game, it warns me of game modifications being out of date, even though I never installed any. Tried wiping the entire Documents/sims 3/ folder and it still persisted
I have tried applying ultimate patch, but to no avail
My PC is powerful enough to run everything

Any and all help would be very welcome, thanks in advance


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Double/missing sims Into The Future Empty Re: Double/missing sims Into The Future

Post by The_gh0stm4n Thu 19 Jun 2014, 23:24

TheGibber wrote:I have sims 3 installed with World Adventures and Into the Future
Sims + WA was really laggy, so I decided to try and install the newest expansion pack as to get updates through
Lag disappeared but tons of weird stuff happened.
If my sims go on any vacation, 2 identical sims for each sim who left will return with my, overriding existing household sims if it becomes too many, this also counts for the future
If I try to enter dystopian or utopian future, all sims just disappear and I have nothing to control
My sims retain no skills, relations or anything they acquired on their vacation
Additionally, when I boot up the game, it warns me of game modifications being out of date, even though I never installed any. Tried wiping the entire Documents/sims 3/ folder and it still persisted
I have tried applying ultimate patch, but to no avail
My PC is powerful enough to run everything

Any and all help would be very welcome, thanks in advance


About the error at game start...please re-do the steps from #2 to #4 very carefully:


Next, problems with this travelling system are well-known, and I'm afraid there isn't too much you can do about it; these glitches need to be fixed by a patch, but I don't think that there will be another patch for The Sims 3 anymore (because EA is focussing on The Sims 4 already).

But let's see. At first, please read this guide here:


Next, google for the following mods, and download the LATEST versions of them:


If you can't find the mods, I'll post links on here, next time (I'm too lazy now to post the links, lol). After installing the mods, try travelling to the future again, and see if anything improved.

Good luck for now !
G4TW RETIRED Forum Gatekeeper

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Favourite games : The Sims 3, L.A. Noire, Saints Row, Red Faction, Team Fortress 2, Overwatch, PvZ: Garden Warfare, Call of Duty: Ghosts, GTA: San Andreas, Counter-Strike, Hitman, Borderlands, The Binding of Isaac, Government simulation & Military strategy games, S.W.A.T. 4, GTA Online, Red Dead Online, Chessmaster XI, Monster Hunter: World, Paint the Town Red, The Elder Scrolls Online, Destiny 2.


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Double/missing sims Into The Future Empty Re: Double/missing sims Into The Future

Post by Guest Fri 20 Jun 2014, 11:38

My sims seem to be patch 1.62, and whenever I try to follow update guides on the homepage, I get "Could not connect to origin" as an error message, and NRAAS apparently does not have that patch supported : (


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Double/missing sims Into The Future Empty Re: Double/missing sims Into The Future

Post by The_gh0stm4n Sat 21 Jun 2014, 09:36

TheGibber wrote:My sims seem to be patch 1.62, and whenever I try to follow update guides on the homepage, I get "Could not connect to origin" as an error message, and NRAAS apparently does not have that patch supported : (

Do you mean the "manual patch" from here doesn't work for you ?


Where did you get your base game from ? Is that from Origin ? If so, there are Origin-base games that are..."difficult", to put it that way. You might have to try un-installing that base game (only the base game), re-booting the computer and then re-downloading the base game from the following site:


Just click on the magnet symbol of the download "The Sims 3", adn the download should open in your torrent client. Good luck and keep us posted ! Smile  
G4TW RETIRED Forum Gatekeeper

G4TW RETIRED Forum Gatekeeper

Windows version :
  • Windows 8
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System architecture :
  • 32 bits (x86)
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Favourite games : The Sims 3, L.A. Noire, Saints Row, Red Faction, Team Fortress 2, Overwatch, PvZ: Garden Warfare, Call of Duty: Ghosts, GTA: San Andreas, Counter-Strike, Hitman, Borderlands, The Binding of Isaac, Government simulation & Military strategy games, S.W.A.T. 4, GTA Online, Red Dead Online, Chessmaster XI, Monster Hunter: World, Paint the Town Red, The Elder Scrolls Online, Destiny 2.


Posts : 18959
Points : 27088
Join date : 2012-11-02
Location : Liechtenstein / Switzerland / Austria

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