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Microsoft Office 2013 Professional Plus. [SOLVED]

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Microsoft Office 2013 Professional Plus. [SOLVED] Empty Microsoft Office 2013 Professional Plus. [SOLVED]

Post by Guest Wed 01 Oct 2014, 07:41

Hi there! 

First of all, this forum seems great. Cant wait to start using this area for what its worth. After all the time you lads/gals spend on this. 

Alright, so my issue is: How to install this file (Title), best way possible. 

Im using windows 8.1, a box fresh Zenbook. Im stacking two pure SSD disks, C (ssd-OS) and D (seperate ssd). 

Now, where do i unfold (with winrar) or unpack the file? Do i create a new Office folder under the C(OS) disk, programs ? Or under programs(86x) ? Or should i slapp this into the seperate ssd disk ? 

Im failry new to this stuf in general, and unzipping.. so to be fair, a basic wlkthrough would be greatly appriciated! Cause the walkthrough you have added, im guessing is in the zipped/packed file ? ^^ Hehe... 

I uninstalled the office that was already fixed on this comp when i got it. Just to be sure it would mix a real/trial version, with a .. fake one ?  

Hope you got time to help me out Smile 

Best regarsd // J


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Microsoft Office 2013 Professional Plus. [SOLVED] Empty Re: Microsoft Office 2013 Professional Plus. [SOLVED]

Post by The_gh0stm4n Wed 01 Oct 2014, 20:02

Skrueløs wrote:Hi there! 

First of all, this forum seems great. Cant wait to start using this area for what its worth. After all the time you lads/gals spend on this. 

Alright, so my issue is: How to install this file (Title), best way possible. 

Im using windows 8.1, a box fresh Zenbook. Im stacking two pure SSD disks, C (ssd-OS) and D (seperate ssd). 

Now, where do i unfold (with winrar) or unpack the file? Do i create a new Office folder under the C(OS) disk, programs ? Or under programs(86x) ? Or should i slapp this into the seperate ssd disk ? 

Im failry new to this stuf in general, and unzipping.. so to be fair, a basic wlkthrough would be greatly appriciated! Cause the walkthrough you have added, im guessing is in the zipped/packed file ? ^^ Hehe... 

I uninstalled the office that was already fixed on this comp when i got it. Just to be sure it would mix a real/trial version, with a .. fake one ?  

Hope you got time to help me out Smile 

Best regarsd // J

Hello Skrueløs and a warm welcome to you, Smile

Basically, it doesn't matter where you extract/unrar the stuff into. For now, just make an empty folder somewhere on your C: drive, and then extract ALL contents of the .RAR, into that folder you just created. After the extraction, close WinRAR and go to the folder. Start the installation from that folder then, following the included instructions. Shouldn't be too much behind it. Wink

However, since the drives appear to be SSD drives, it would be a waste of (valuable) space to keep the .RAR file there. If you have an external hard-drive, I would recommned you MOVE the .RAR file to that external. And then, you can also delete the folder you created, for installing Office 2013.

Do post back here if you need more assistance, and good luck !
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Microsoft Office 2013 Professional Plus. [SOLVED] Empty Re: Microsoft Office 2013 Professional Plus. [SOLVED]

Post by Guest Wed 01 Oct 2014, 23:51


Alright, so as i understand it. 

RAR files, can be unpacked wherever i want. The unpacked files, ie in a USB chip or actual harddrive, is for installing.. "whatever". After installation, i can remove these files. 

This goes for things like.. Games.. software that requires installation etc?

What i did: Unpacked in USB, installed from USB into C drive, and the updated online. 

It all works tho, so must have done it right Smile



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Microsoft Office 2013 Professional Plus. [SOLVED] Empty Re: Microsoft Office 2013 Professional Plus. [SOLVED]

Post by The_gh0stm4n Thu 02 Oct 2014, 00:00

Skrueløs wrote:Hi! 

Alright, so as i understand it. 

RAR files, can be unpacked wherever i want. The unpacked files, ie in a USB chip or actual harddrive, is for installing.. "whatever". After installation, i can remove these files. 

This goes for things like.. Games.. software that requires installation etc?

What i did: Unpacked in USB, installed from USB into C drive, and the updated online. 

It all works tho, so must have done it right Smile


Yes, basically you got it. Wink  The essential thing - again - is that you try and backup the files that are necessary for the installation (here: the .RAR file of the Office 2013 download). Why ? Because in case you format the computer or re-install Windows, you don't have to re-download your stuff again. So it's very convenient.

Since the problem seems solved, I'll close the thread. Feel free to contact us again, at any time, if you have any other question (just make a new topic). Have fun ! Smile

Topic closed.
G4TW RETIRED Forum Gatekeeper

G4TW RETIRED Forum Gatekeeper

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Favourite games : The Sims 3, L.A. Noire, Saints Row, Red Faction, Team Fortress 2, Overwatch, PvZ: Garden Warfare, Call of Duty: Ghosts, GTA: San Andreas, Counter-Strike, Hitman, Borderlands, The Binding of Isaac, Government simulation & Military strategy games, S.W.A.T. 4, GTA Online, Red Dead Online, Chessmaster XI, Monster Hunter: World, Paint the Town Red, The Elder Scrolls Online, Destiny 2.


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